Saturday, December 29, 2007
消失的太快 我负荷不来
我想我是太过依赖 在挂电话的刚才
坚持学单纯的小孩 我舍不得离开
我戒不掉 她的微笑
我沉默 你的话也不多
the result of late night watching 无与伦比. i have always wanted to make a post of lyrics. i think its quite nice. of course i can change some of the words to make it more connected but i kept it that way in case some want to have the songs.
post-script: linky calculated its a 1/40 x 1/40 = 1/1600 chance but in actuality
its 1/40 x 1/40 x 1/40 = 1/64 000 chance
the song below is although old, but its currently my fave. ironically its a happy song which contradicts what im feeling now. yes i know it's old but when this song came out i haven't converted to jielun yet mah ><
the first 2 lines above are from this song fyi.
12:00 PM
random kp,
Friday, December 28, 2007
erratic mood. sorry random kp.
edit: lol siao. because of my kp post i came to realize how many ppl actually read this =O and i appologize if my kp post offended you in anyway. please don't let that be a reason not to open a con with me.
on a sidenote : xy dam mug the list la. notice so small details. [eg every grp around 13 girls! =o ]
on a second sidenote : i gave up trying to look for people i know like yunheng liao. damn waste of my time. the list like never exhaustive.
9:32 PM
100th post,
this is my 100th post, with the url anbuhime of course.
yet today was an extremely boring day.
an uneventful day includes chionging op. currently finished drum island arc. chopper's story remains to be the saddest 1 followed by sanji T.T
Chopper by ~aiwa-9 on deviantART
dammit. i need a chopper plushie soon. lol.
anyways as usual a funny quote from op. [never seems to run out of funny quotes]
nami : why did you invite him here for?!
luffy : 7-lvl transformation. cool reindeer.
sanji :

this is my 100th post, with the url anbuhime of course.
yet today was an extremely boring day.
an uneventful day includes chionging op. currently finished drum island arc. chopper's story remains to be the saddest 1 followed by sanji T.T
Chopper by ~aiwa-9 on deviantART
dammit. i need a chopper plushie soon. lol.
anyways as usual a funny quote from op. [never seems to run out of funny quotes]
nami : why did you invite him here for?!
luffy : 7-lvl transformation. cool reindeer.
sanji :
5:32 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007

7:41 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

this is possibly the millionth time im posting this pic. but i find it inspirational!.
anyways yatta on 2 accounts.
1) i finished heroes till season 2!!! hex but im quite sad cause of some retarded

they cancelledx the show. and its not even a cliffhanger. dam sian.
b) i completed shippuden accel 2! and more importantly

the imba sasuke. サスケ!サスケ!サスケ!サスケ!サスケ!サスケ!サスケ!
lastly on magic today. merfolks/ arlongs are dead. sub-par is what they call it. and i guess i have to bet on magic saying that morningtide merfolks are gonna be qiang.
so for this sunday tourney im gonna be the magic gang yugi fan club. = be a goon stand behind them and comment on every card they draw.
9:29 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
i'm back from np sec4 squad chalet and am frikin tired due to non stop mahjong sessions cum naruto sessions.
but that doesn't matter.
cause i finally have NARUTO NARUTIMATE SHIPPUDEN ACCEL 2!!@@#1111
hexx0r. i don;t think any shop in sg sells it yet =D heheh
here's some imba hex youtube vids of characters ougis / ultis
damm hex. and anyways speaking of which haruhi psp game came out liao but not much has been heard about it unlike narutimate which shot to #1 most wanted faqs!
speaking of which. theres a ps3 game for naruto ._.
and that's gay also. also theres hts 5 coming out next yr ._. not so excited about it cause it sucked this year.
and crisis core English version on march!!!
back to chioning ts sasuke... gayyyyyy
3:42 PM
overdue-->YATTA!!! COSFEST 2007 @ EXPO,
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
z. retarded ff just screwed itself up. along with my loaded op eps. zzz
anyways back to my imba overdued post.
on fridays nthn much, just that fts and his friend randomlypopped by visited the ray pool wasted time before scooting off to vivo with me, them to visit their pri sch friend, me to visit mine. ._. oh yah, the korean foodstreet stall at vivo basement which sells some hotdog with fries thingy dam imba nice ._.

yesterday marked the last day of work. thank god i survived =D
some fun facts to share
#1 my job dam uber boring esp during the 5- 6.30 slot where im just waiting for the time to close shop since a) friends from mumbai for some strange reason are mostly vegetarian so they cannot touch fish so they wont buy anything from me.
--> so how do i spend time?
a) sing random songs to myself < did that to survive from 10 - 5 liao -.-"
b) when it was just 15 minutes to 6 30, i counted from 1 - 755 taking a step at a time ._. thats how insanely bored i was ._.
#2 was shot by archer fish unknowingly ._. fk facts yesterday 3 ppl, all of whom are at least 20 years older than me call me uncle.....
wtf man.
and now for teh most exciting part of my post.
pics below, went with kamfai oon zhiwan ._. sid and his friend came along later. met some sparki some aphelion guys and even ho wei rong ._.
when we first came, the stage show was about to start. the first group contestant was trinity blood. ._. not sure if any1 watched but anyway their coustumes are really really elaborate and so it's quite cool i guess. esp this gal her hair can rival sasuke (zhiwan: sasugay ._.)
this group is retarded. if you dunno what anime/cartoon it is u shd bang ur head on the wall. notice that the patrick is shorter than spongebob ._. and they were singing the C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E SONG ._. only fans would know i guess.
here's a separate trinity blood group. the way they presented was to sing the 12 days of Christmas song. they did some random parodies including shouting BANKAI. then commentator say WRONG SHOW LA. but i guess this group pretty much rawked.
this 1 is the 12th day. no prizes for those who can guess what anime they parodying. i think this is the highlight of the show. (apart from crappy spongebob)
there's another crappy group from quek's fav show shaman king. they did a lousy pds display. which sucked and garnered much snide comments from zhiwan. they pretty much sucked so bad i didn't feel like taking pics of them.
then the show took a break so we went to do some exploring.
grp pics first

i don't really watch dgrayman so i cant comment, but i think i will watch that anime soon. oon says they suck though, the cosplayers i mean.
this 1 quite gd i guess. espada + bleach team. btw the no.9 character (beside uloquiorra the guy with a test-tube head is actually wei siong or sth from aphelion ._. i think ulu is quite nice leh. but look what a certain idiot did ._.
again, no prizes for guessing whos that idiot ._. to think i took a pic of him -.-"
and so ends group photos, now from duos and etc

cool gundam (oon: with claywhore bitch) [ i wanna watch claymore too! but oon quite anti about it ._.]

<3 yuna! + gal yuffie who looks more like a guy (sid when i said this : whalao you dam bad la)
(sid : the only reason why this yuna is popular is that she is revealing her black bra ._. )
but then the real yuna also reveal what, altho hers is bikini la.
HAH! bet you all sure zoom in and see 1 ._.

not a bad cosplayer of no.3 whom zhiwan proudly proclaims spoonhead espada ._. his halbard quite zai. but again zhiwan : his spoonhead shd be bigger mah ._.
fat ass kakashi. the only reason why i like him is his teh uber cool sharingan. =D zoom in and see. damn zai. think i pissed him off quite a bit when i asked him how much he buy for ._. then he just gave me a curt reply from beneath his mask : my friend order 1
and now... retarded pics

this a pic of a poster outside the convention room. no prizes for those who guess whats wrong with this pic. and who did it. that person has made it clear to me he does not want to be named.

oon: what seems to be power ranger fighting transformer
me: -__-"
the gundam clearly own this group

emo-kid. oblivious to some idiot's idea of a prank

GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL! < this guy actually got the cheek to join the individual competition. i don't know if the cheers were congratulatory or jeering though.
sid and his quite hawt friend ( sam's comment not mine but i shd agree too i guess)
pudge like friend decided to barge in. she didnt get the joke when i asked them to move backwards abit cause she couldn't fit into my screen =D
notice this time not much naruto pics. cause they weren't very gd i guess. ._.
thats all! please tag and comment!
8:38 PM
i lied,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
fine i lied. i cant blog today what with naruto, bleach and op to watch.!!!
shall try to blog tml ._.
11:18 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
its 12.35 am in the morning. i'm tired but i don't want to sleep. linky, marcus, jonneo and quek just visited this blog.
i just watched finsihed 3 eps of OP and 1 ep of heroes. in exactly 12 hours i will be in cosfest.
bah. what an eventful life. yesterday or today if some may prefer was quite eventful. will blog tml.
12:37 AM
random day,
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
random day today, besides going out for some med check up. I
a) piaed naruto manga to the latest chapter ._.
b)pia-ed finished bleach memories of nobody. the plot rather predicatble. when i first set my eyes on senna, i thought to myself the show would surely end with her dying, either sac-ing herself so ichigo and pals can escape from whatever or prevent the world from being destroyed. and i was right ._. speaking of which, senna looks like anko ._.

z. googling anko throws up alot of hentai pics ._. prolly by stupid pervy ferrets like oon who have many fantasies about them. zzz.
c) now currently pia-ing naruto movies !
d) tml quek and eld coming over to pass me some shows including s2 heroes! before going to mod our psps ._.
random events during work yesterday
a) met charlton! actually dam qiao i was selling turtle feed /feeding turtles at the turtle pond then he saw me._.
b) some cute girl (damn young 1 la dun fantasize) called me uncle. wth? i very old looking meh ._. and that was not the first time some young toddler called me uncle liao. z. and i wasn;t even wearing my black specs.
aniways. my work days are over soon. only left with friday, sunday and monday. YAYS!
8:42 PM
random pics,
Sunday, December 9, 2007

i like the words of this pic.
the longed after familiar figure of a friend. little of your face has changed. but now as close as you may be. it's almost as though you are separated by endless distances.
pls notice the words i have changed ._.

this pic damn gan ren. sai's evolution to becoming more human =D

if you like this pic. you are gay

then again. if you like this pic you are gay too. op muggers. altho hime and sakura is on it ^^

10:34 PM
hu si luan xiang,
another hu si luan xiang thought that i got.
i noticed when ppl buy the food. albiet sometimes begrudgingly. or others happily.
no matter the start. they always leave damn happily. and since my stint there is almost over, i'm more or less able to sneak ppl in without worrying much so if y'all are in the vicnicity, yell and i'll sneak u in. < more like i despo ._.
and sitemeter rocks. some1 actually visited my blog while yahoo-ing lorywn draft ._. and marcus and eld just visited my blog. with marcus visiting it twice ._.
another hu si luan xiang thought that i got.
i noticed when ppl buy the food. albiet sometimes begrudgingly. or others happily.
no matter the start. they always leave damn happily. and since my stint there is almost over, i'm more or less able to sneak ppl in without worrying much so if y'all are in the vicnicity, yell and i'll sneak u in. < more like i despo ._.
and sitemeter rocks. some1 actually visited my blog while yahoo-ing lorywn draft ._. and marcus and eld just visited my blog. with marcus visiting it twice ._.
8:39 PM
rest day,
Saturday, December 8, 2007
today's one of my rare rest days so i didn't go to work today. but instead went out to visit my cousin.
._. which is really just like a sneak peak for me cause one of em jus completed a lvls and is about to go off to some australia university. aiya nvm random.
anyway today i acomplished quite a few feats.
a) completed heroes season 1 =D
b) completed latest bleach and naruto anime =D
c) chionged naruto manga till tenchi bridge
which enlighted me on a few things. firstly.

diamond dust rebellion! seems like shiro-chan is one of the leads! wow exciting. which i shouldn't really be too excited about since i haven;t even watched the first movie yet ._.
here's the second thing that im excited about.

siao. the most exposed version of kakashi. haven't been so excited since the revealation of ts hinata hehe.

8:04 PM
new skin,
Friday, December 7, 2007
yep. new skin.
and new blog in actuality. i did some nifty jutsu due to some coding errors. but the url stays the same, my "old blog" became my archive and can be accessed at archives 1.
and yes. i abandoned initial plans to make an espada 1. it had to be shelved. sacrifices had to be made. heroes is way cooler =D
and yes it's 100% designed by
more updates tml. too late now.
and i sounded whiney last post ._. sry lol. too much time to hu si luan xiang ><
11:43 PM