of leap year fridays,
Friday, February 29, 2008
today is a day which shouldn't have existed.
a day that occurs only once every 4 years.
and quite an uneventful day.
today during econs lecture kwang yueh randomly said " eh today leap year day lets go watch leap years"
but i decided to give it a miss cause
council open house today and they showcased council during CT period today. must admit the videos all very zai. but i wasnt particularly impressed by the re-using of deathnote and final fantasy lol. although most ppl laughed like mad, the real final fantasy parody is much better. haha, and they never use my favourite ff music!
on a sidenote, after the presentation, more people were swayed to joining council. but i think these half-hearted people seriously shouldnt even consider it the first place, especially if you are one of those people who leave your plates in the canteen and expect someone to clean up after you, or joining just because you wanna boost your portfolio, then i suggest you freaking drop the idea. seriously i think those people who deserve to be voted in are voted in because they want in with a heart to serve.
after the presentation, i realized that many people in my class want to be in fac comm too! rawr! its like 3 slots for each class, 1 CT rep, 1 asst CT rep and 1 other person. and like alot of ppl want to be the other person. including me. but i dont want to be fake and act like super nice or anything to everyone(coped abit from jonneo lol), although i am nice(at least i think i am, lol bu yao lian) but not super nice. haha. rawr. just let things flow naturally bah.
random sidenotes about yesterday
sms from angela : i saw someone short with white specs and orange bag must be you! -.-"wth.
sms from jeremy's dad to jeremy: predator on the loose, come home early. ( LOL)
dam funny wts.
its abit early for anime saturday, but i think naruto writer getting freaking lame, with the spamming of final jutsus--> kirin and susanou wth. <>
a little something for anyone who reads this. was reminded by this song during the council vid. ahha. esp to xy! no more worries okay!
these lines of lightning mean we're never alone
never alone, no, no.
8:01 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
chatted with my dearest [fake/ sis] mortal today (: and thought/was reminded of something.
this song is like uber perfect la. for the past.
and i think the vid story uber zai, dam touching as always and the girl is also ^^ even the young one lol. ._. (*no im not pedophilic wth)
anyways hope ure feeling better now xy, although i think its impossible haha.
anyways, some photos we took after the G.O.D [god of dance] ARES won fac dance.
task: spot the person with the coolest hair and the coolest pose (:
9:50 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
short post cause im daaaam tired now *although i slacked whole day and only made a card for my dearest mortal* haha. but anyways,
yeah man! it felt good yesterday when all our hard work and effort paid off. of course i still think apollo is quite deserving of the win also, that is not to say that artemis and athena don't. but i think in the end, its cause of our white gloves (which made us look daaaam zai, and reminded me of np marshaling) and our ENTHU-NESS, was quite gan dong when i saw the video, abit of tears welled up haha!
10:26 PM
saturdats and ilp,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
today, i sacrificed 3 hours of sleep to collect my unas gold. only to find out that the event was super ponnable. but ah wells, at least the trip there made me like sort of catch up with my "4e yu gi oh" gang.
then the rest of the day was spent doing ilp up until like 1/2 hour ago.
ilp although is like super tedious and all. but i guess we all had fun today. including taking taxis and telling the uncle " wo bu yao zuo le". lol. dam funny. hope we do well.
and now... for my super over due post on bday...
i know fp was banned like 1 day before it and i was super lucky and all haha so the day flew past rather quickly and uneventfully. (not that i had any complains, save for the fact i spent the rest of it mugging for chem test which was on the next day)
(from left, clockwise, in no order of preference)
file + word search from my dearest angel, shonda (:
adidas shoe bag, from my dearest mortal and fake mortal shi yu and xian yun! (:
felix the cat card from my 2cmtallerthanmebusfriendangela. (omg la, thats like super sweet of you thnx again if you read this)
bday card + panda keychain from pearlyn/rhea (supposedly from class) hah! thnx!
bday post card from michelle! has twins behind, "got gillian behind haha" (haha i used to like her... until. that edison scandal. made me change my opinion. ) bleh but i like the card anyways ha. thnx!
and quek's super zai diamond dust rebellion hollow dogtag. omg coolio. thnxthnxthnx! (need to find a more zai chain now)
and lastly... while doing ilp halfway
lol i forgot to change the orientation but whatever la ahah. this was thrown onto me while doing ilp halfway today. but thanks anyway charles, eugene (eee- urine) and jeremy for this ultra belated bday gift.
and special thanks to the following people who remembered my bday and sent me a bday sms, belated or not.
shinyi, rhea, calvinsoonmyfavnpsenior, cynthia, linky, jiahan, chia hong, vin, marcuswhowasremindedbymysms, lzwhowantedtobethelasttowishmesincehecouldntbefirst, yeeching, and to those who sent me on facebook, yunheng,matthew, baona and lilly!
and lastly those who wished me in person belated or not. (i cant rmb all since i dont have photographic memory then if i rmb some its biased so i better not list any ahha.) thanks anyway
and since im doing this...
v day gifts! haha short of a rose *which has lived past its shelf life* from zhaobo (dam sweet of him to give every one in class haha, first time i recieved a rose. from guy somemore. )
its not alot la i know haha but thanks to all who gave!
fromleft clockwise in no order of preference
dearest mortal's uber cute naruto frog wallet (trying to find an occasion to use it) and naruto headband (haha can go cosplay liao!)
dearest fake mortal's uber zai waterbottle and pencil box (the person who bought this must have very good taste =o )
li ann's cute/funny love monkey note
dearest angel's uber big/zai frisbee + cute tiger/cat toy (this belongs to felix, dont try to steal it or his angel will come after you (: o <--- attempt at making an angel smiley ahah)
since its anime saturday, lol at zaraki's kendo > shikai/bankai , lol at sasuke's unrevealed final jutsu!
yep, thats about all for today's post, super busy day tml gotta go sleep now.
12:13 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
UPDATE: just wanna say thanks to everyone who rmbed. and a proper update will be in order, when i get the time, that is. haha.
im blogging now even though i got like super loads of things to do but today was fairly exciting so i think i should blog more.
tkd orientation was today, and although i think its more leng than interact's, it was still rather fun i guess.... except that my "section" is like a mini-chinatown with the only non chinatown citizens being me kkjer and yiding. ._. rawr. hope there will be more adjustments la.
it is in good taste that such decisions / announcements were made. one day before my day of reckoning somemore. (: i told you so quek =D
anyway on a sidenote, felix is extremely shocked to find out on the bus today that he is 2 cm shorter than angela... wth. z.
hopefully tml will be fun yeah?
9:04 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
cause there really isn't much to blog about. just really busy busy busy. but im still slacking xD
updated my links, might miss some people out, so if you read this and you are not linked and wish to be linked, holler at the tagboard pls (:
6:47 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
UPDATE: OKAY I GOT TEH PHOTOS from xianyun! (my dearest fake mortal)
me and my dearest (fake) mortal! with random hand from cheryl.
my dearest (real) mortal, me and my dearest (fake) mortal!
i had to post this pic cause michelle looks daaaam funny
edwin and zhaobo. erm... doing. erm. something.
08s74 and 07s74! 74!!!
rahh, dam sad my angel had to leave early so i didnt get to take any photos, but bleh. im sure there will be another time =D
so before jts was jumper, (8 ppl turned up ._. ) and something weird happened during the show.
the show has an interesting plot, but i think they need to change camera man / director cause half the time you cant even see how they are fighting. what you see is just a nice background and the camera man shaking his video cam dam violently.
halfway during the show, the scenes started to blur abit. i thought it was on purpose, some cinematography (correct word?) i supposed. then the subtitles started to blur. then i thought my contacts drop out lol. dam funny. i close one eye. then see. blur.
close another eye. see. blur.
then i ask : eh is the subtitles blur
friend : yah.
me : oh lol.
in the end around 10 minutes of the second most exciting part (fighting in the Rome Colesseum) was spent watching blury figures blinking in and out. ( although i think even if the picture was clear we wouldnt have seen much anyways) then we were like saying "wah lao pirated cd arh! ._.
in the end after the show, they announced got money refund! (yay!) but when we went out they only gave complimentary tickets, which was already good enough i suppose.
will update once i get the pics!
anime saturday was not spent watching anime due to JTS, but i still read the manga this morning.
just want to whine. (spoilers)
so if sas-k > tsukuyoumi
sas-k > amaterasu
so gogogo! all the way!
2:01 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
decided not to post pics cause im lazy and lest u all think i hao lian.
anyways v day is waay diff from high school cause in high school v day is a normal day. which made me damn regretful i didnt bother to thank people for being my friend.
thanks for being my friend.
thanks for being there to share my joy when im happy
thanks for being there when im not.
and advance thanks for not fp-ing me.
and thanks for all the pressies i received.
yep thats about all.
JTS tml and supposedly up until this afternoon there was supposed to be a movie outing before that but it kua in an instant so im dam clueless now. z.
rawr x 5.
wanna watch KFSD. JUMPER. and next week DN.
9:24 PM
V - Day,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
wanted to blog about today, but i guess im too tired to + my camera no batt = no photos to hao lian my pressies. will try tml. i hope.
Thank you, my friends.
Thank you, my friends.
10:16 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
记得几年前的昨天, 是我们对自己诚实的一天.
而几年前的明天, 我一路来什么也没做...
you must be wondering why im blogging at a time when mass run is supposed to be conducted. thats cause im having a flu! and didnt go school today.
i love the presents i bought for my angel and mortals man. pictures tomorrow. cant spoil the surprise.
hopefully tomorrow theres something for me to do ._.

4:45 PM
mondays and monday blues,
Monday, February 11, 2008
on mondays and tuesdays im like the free-est person on earth, released from classes around 2 or 1.30 then stone around nothing to do.
anyways, since i really got nothing to do / don't feel like doing anything else, i'll blog about my cny visits!
初一s are about visiting my most immediate family, stopping at my grandma's palce for some mee sua. but because this year i was sick, i was abandoned at home and had to go my grandma's house (in home clothes not new clothes) for brunch. followed by experimenting on my uncle's wii.
i think wii is okok only la, the games because of the way the controllers are designed, its like for example bleach fighting, you swing swing swing your hand like as if you are wielding your own zanpaktou. quite cool la. but obviously wii was designed being a multiplayer fun console in mind so one player games will get boring extremely fast.
by tradition, i would then proceed to houses near my vicinity, (god-grandmother and other relatives near telok blangah area.) but cause i was sick, so i watched prison break at home! then followed by visits to my (2nd) cousins house (which i found out is like 1 road away from quek's condo -.-" ) . by tradition again, it would be the last visit for the day but because of unforseen circumstances have to visit my (1s) cousins (just beside bb shoping centre o.O ) . and yah so ends my first day.
by tradition my 2nd counsins will turn up then chat a while before going to 1st cousins house. but cause yesterday already went but 2nd cousins still popped by anyways.
then would proceed to my uber rich distant relative house (near orchad ftw). the condo security is sooooooo tight, theres an individual lift for every house unit!!! (actually only 2 units per floor) so its like those penthouse kind where once u step out of the lift you're at the door of the occupant! anyway random sidenote somehow my relatives nephew married one of my primary school teacher, so imagine getting angbao from your primary school teacher yearly ._. to accentuate how gayly rich they are, they treat everyone to a bowl of mee sua, in the meesua got like 6 different type of abalones / abalone-ish family. !!! and they invite like 30+ ppl to their house yearly. !!! so each bowl is like around 30 - 40 bucks cost price!!!
yep. then would have to fast forward to night time where my relatives (same one) would host a dinner at marina mandrin!!! those international buffet style kind with the chatterbox chicken rice sushi baked ham smoked salmon etc etc. o.O i wouldnt miss the food for the world so i went there despite my flu. pictures were taken but because they have to like blow it up to a3 and laminate before passing to every family it would take like 6 months before i receive it. haha.
the 3rd and 4th days werent really worth mentioning cause i mugged/ stoned the rest of it away except for when some of my mother's friends came over (but didnt gamble sianned) rawr so basically this cny didnt eat any of my fav bak kua, nor my kway pang ket, nor my love letters. rawr.
anyways move on to today, so quek randomly asked me go queensway area to get presents for vday, pdc also tagged along . shant disclose anything here ahha (cause i know you read this xian yun!) wahhaha. except for the fact that a few interesting things happened.
interesting fact 1: met a guy in ikea who wore the same specs as quek o.O
interesting fact 2: wanted to buy a cone-ish paper stand that read CAUTION ANGEL TO BITCH IN 3.5 SECS. but on second thought decided not to since i dunno who my angel is and she might not be able to take the joke. hahah.
interesting fact 3: saw this fortune ball thingy which when you roll, they will come out with some answers or somehting. so quek went "do i suck" then the ball showed "indications show yes" or something along the lines. lol.
so ends my interesting monday.
8:38 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
its sunday already.
and honestly speaking got nothing much to blog about haha. first 2 days were about visiting and since i didnt take much pictures, narrating out would be rather boring. or maybe i'll do it another time. haha. then the weekend was rather plain also.
this is an extremely random short post. only wanted to say wow. look at how many hits i have over the weekend.
the result of coping one sharingan pic from google. didnt know so many people google sharingan!
haha lol. hope you all enjoyed the chinese new year break.
tag replies. again
xianyun: hello (fake) mortal! happy cny to you too. thanks
boony: hello hello. im lazy to update the links haha rest assured your name will get there when i get the time ahha.
elson: yoooo. ._.
wb: hello rare visitor. google your own name. ._.
all: happy chinese new year once again.
7:17 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
first post of the chinese new year.
you must be wondering why im blogging at such a weird time and not off collecting angbaos.
its cause im down with a bad sorethroat and just recovered from a fever =x but im going out tonight anyways. (and no i don't blame you jeremy lol.)
so very cool-y im spending my chinese new year at home watching prison break. cool hor. first time i spent it this way.

anyways i just remembered i forgot to put what my forutne cookie/paper said yesterday.
i think its quite true haha
"jealousy poisons the human mind, but love will bring you home."
where is the love?
and oh yah, i think the bazaar yesterday was a test of friendship in disguise lol. sorry i didnt buy anything from you all cause im sick and buying = throwing cause i cant eat anything! =(
which also means i cant eat all my fav food this season.
ah wells, hope you all are having fun collecting ang baos.
tag replies (finally lol)
marcus: lol ok.
eechu: lol hope you find out soon ._. damn easy just go cbox website and copy the code and throw it in. and wa jie is my fav song of the moment!
eld + jh + xj : lol ya. i took 1st day 1 hour ( failed) + 2nd day 45 min.
elson + kevin: lol. (i dunno what to reply -.-")
lily: haha used to have but now shut liao. this skin was designed by her btw. cool hor.
jiajun: happy cny to you too. (which jia jun are you lol)
and ooh. i found this on ares blog
the day the school was painted red. (and almost everyone was from ares ._. )
1:14 PM
im blazing hot,
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
at 6.00 am today, the 1337 felix immunity system lost to the 08s74 jeremy virus. leading to a severe sorethroat.
as of today, at least half the class has already been infected with the 08s74 virus, whose host was purportedly eugene but sources have indicated that lowell was the main host. after a series of lectures and tutorials, the virus managed to spread along the class and mutated into the 08s74 jeremy virus which subsequently invaded felix immunity system.
at 9.00am today, the jeremy virus caused felix to have a severe headache followed by an extremely high fever.
darn, fevers are like the weirdest type of sickness. the positive feedback makes the whole body recessive making one's reaction time slow by 0.5 seconds like as if one lived on a different time plane from others.
anyways yesterday dispute was sorta cleared out today. i dunno how many people read this but no, im not angry with anyone hahaha. bleh.
and im damn sad that cause of the jeremy virus i was unable to follow you all out today =( bah.
but its chinese new year and i shant make the melancholy or anything, must end on a happy note.
happy birthday to YILING! and advanced birthday to SHI YU and YUN HENG. feb babies rock(:
hope you all enjoy(ed) your reunion dinner(s)
5:47 PM
the rift that tears us all apart.,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
a few things happened today.
which made me a very upset boy.
i think differences in school cultures are the root of all these troubles. since JC started, one cannot help notice but how some have changed la. i mean like some become more poseur, some always around opposite sex some more ap some more gl some more as etc etc etc. friends find more friends and friends drift apart.
but anyways back on to the main topic, there was a dispute in class la. some people were more enthusiastic about things, some people were more nonchalant about the issue and others were caught between la. but this dispute made cliques even more glaring than ever.
in the end, i stoned in school, hoping for some1 to follow me to buy presents for both angels and birthday people, then more problems cropped out including the shitness of our WHITE chinese new year decorated class bench, the f-edupness of the stall amongst many others.
in the end, after wasting a few hours, i decided to go home myself (with charles cause he needed to collect his hp from some shop near my house) then a choice had to be made. whether to follow the others to make sushi or just go home.
"ok you all dunnid to come already". which obviously made me/us feel dam shit, kp and sianned. somehow, already rather depressed about the way things have played out today, i/we became more anti-social and decided not to board the bus to make sushi.
while buying present for my mortal's bday, i realized how little i did in the past.
and so ends my whining. this post is damn incoherent cause my thinking is still not sorted out yet. im just pissed with the breaking up of things and being out of circle of things.
feeling upset. shit. kp. and zb. heart bleeding.
where did i go wrong?
6:21 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
im sorry to disappoint the 20+ - 30+ ppl who read this daily and find nothing interesting.
fact is im so damn busy this weekend, i only manged to do ilp. and go for interact orientation.
i don't think i will blog about anything.
except this.
picture removed to remove any chances of people coming to this blog and artificially inflating my hits ._.
double meaning. one is about sasuke (which i refuse to believe he will gg just like that.) and another is... you'll see =D
10:08 PM