council elections,
Monday, March 31, 2008
good luck to all groups tml man!
removed my previous post haha after reading jonneo's post which is quite true heh, maybe i'll reveal whats in it next time.
heeh. good luck tml to all nominees man.
11:53 PM
the run.,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
12.50. which is not too bad by my standards. didnt break any record but at least maintained there. im quite satisfied la cause i was like siannedzb at the 1.6 mark at 8.44 which is 20 secs slower than what i run usually but i just kept going and ended up at 12.50. haha, maybe my park is not 2.4. haha. later i find out i have been running 3km actually then i will wahhaha to myself. -.-" lol.
random sidenote:
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
lawl @ -108
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
means get 107 more chapters until they fight -.-
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
lix. ♥ please don't walk away; please tell me you'll stay says:
lix. ♥ please don't walk away; please tell me you'll stay says:
funny arh u
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
really wat
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
no meh
lix. ♥ please don't walk away; please tell me you'll stay says:
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
later u see next chapter -107
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
den GG
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
` ΜΛD bboy mir ¦ 68: hL ¦ says:
wait 8 more months b4 they fight
lol, i thought he was talking about bleach which is 316 i thought? but nonetheless good update for manga weekends anyway. lol. * oh hl explained say the chapter says its -108. lol. in anycase it was a nice update for a change. and cool to know some vaizards were captains.
anyway i think runs are damn beneficial. some people call it the thinking time. the time where you reflect about what you have done, like say the past week. for me though, when i run, im sorta in a blank state. or thinking about my motivations. the motivation that keeps me going, keeps me running.
yeah man! go the distance!
7:06 PM
ptgs and saturdays,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
yesterday was ptg/ptm, and lucky 74 got to the chance to do traffic control for it.
the job wasn't that attractive to begin with (since im most well-acquainted with it) and the rain made it worse. standing under an umbrella, next to the tennis courts. which made me realize that:
i very much preferred/ missed being in np uniform and white gloves instead of under an umbrella on a rainy day
counting the number of cars who came
and adding up the numbers in their car plates.
standing on top of the high school multistory car park and shouting at whoever was downstairs the number of slots left
standing at the bottom level of the multistory car park and getting yelled at for letting cars in when the car park was full.
ah, i miss np marshalling. lol.
and a tennis ball flew randomly out of the court and i ran to pick it up. let's just call it wilson after the volleyball in castaway. and it was the only source of entertainment for the three of us hiding under 2 umbrellas and a tree was bouncing the ball.
then after a few minutes edwin got bored of it and threw wilson into the field. and i think its still there -.-"
okay, very random sentences. -.-" anyways the rest of the job flew past rather quickly as the mini carpark filled itself up very fast, and the slope also rather quickly.
as well as the fact that the rest of the class forgot about how a group of people are still at the slope while they were dismissed. -.-"
today was st luke's visit. and while it's not really my first time interacting with old folks at an old folks house, i felt that this time like quite hard to sustain a conversation with them due to lack of topics. previous times that i have been at old folks home required little talking cause we were mostly doing physiotherapy for them. bleh.
and after that igrp3 went out for an igrp lunch - joshua cause he went home. bleh i know la ig3 not as close as your ig la lily. and we were very much entertained by jinyao's and his macs nutritional facts.
i think, sometimes, making a friend a day is quite cool, but knowing a friend better is also cool as well.
for eg, today, cause i had to go punggol for tuition so i sat purp line with poh ting. and she talked about her love of her life, zax. if you dunno who he is, means you're most prolly not a true fan but anyways hes better known as wang ren fu. haha. the fanboy/fangirl enthusiasm displayed when she talked about renfu was not unlike how i would talk when i see a yachiru cosplayer, a sasuke cosplayer or any other cosplayer. ok la i know its not really something worthy of idolizing but i dun really have much idols these days and cosplayers are as close as it gets to anime. ahha. anyway, that made me wonder why i lost my passion for 5566 =x haha. maybe should go borrow cd from her and regain my passion for 5566 back again. =x
yah, thats all for random rambling for today.
9:25 PM
overdue update!,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
while most people are now busy preparing their campaign speeeches for tomorrow, im ashamed to announce that i have been slacking for the past few hours, including reading 2 chapters of manga before feeling uber tired and sleeping for 2.5 hours. ._____________.
lessons today were sama sama, and am feeling quite lagged behind in chemistry which is quite worrying. was a Superman for bio which made me feel quite numb, not too happy and not too sad either. but became an Elephant after that due to amendments. xD
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine.
xD random. and the rest of the day flowed quite fast. and oh, gp lessons today damn funny, cause we were going through a imba long list of vocab. and we learnt a new word for newbie which is NEOPHYTE! and the rest of the day was spent calling people who answer qns wrongly neophytes. like wth. lol.
tuesday was supposed to have frisbee training but because it rained, so it got cancelled, and so i went for my makeup commserve instead. which was damn funny and more productive than my previous 2 sessions, cause this time i accompanied a rather obedient boy to read enid blyton stories. ah, the memories of enid blyton.
and quote of the day: "EH POHTING you stand there like statue like that i one person how to fight they two!" - an exasperated boy in a midst of an engaging badminton match. lol.
and yesterday was a random gathering of sorts, which was initially planned as a swim in JE/W swimming complex and wasting time at the lazy river/ wave pool but in the end did none of both. so time was spent instead
and because we, ok la not we, some of us, were so cheapskate, we must have high consumer surplus so we ordered like the most ex possible combo cause of the promotion. -.-" and regretted it in the end and had low consumer satisfaction. rofl. i didnt though, cause i went with my usual uber fabulous chicken backed rice (:
so we made up for it by going for ubercheapskate deal 2 which was 2 icecreams at tonly 10 BUCKS! !!@## zomg~! ate so much that i couldnt finish and another mouth would make me feel like puking. lol. so consumer satisfaction and consumer surplus were both high after the icecream therapy.
and then we randomly went to indulge at the fountain of fortune (issit what its called?) lol. and took pics there and so ended the day of random gathering,
and orh yah, council elections period are so fun cause you get all the free stuff =x
good luck to all council nominees tml man!
10:58 PM
learning to fall,
Monday, March 24, 2008
UPDATE: the no life uber procrastinator a.k.a me decided to
damn cute!
nice dota vid!
okay maybe the the worst. but certainly the worse few.
when hard work and effort does not equate to results.
i guess i projected an image of a well-rehearsed person. but that also meant i couldn't answer all the unexpected/trick or whatever-you-call questions well also.
i.e self-fragged.
i guess i have to stop being the ass i am.
p.s after 3 hours of non-stop slacking, i got over brooding over that.
p.s p.s im hooked on fma manga, its unhealthy, i know. don't ask why.

6:15 PM
photospams! and manga saturdays,
Saturday, March 22, 2008
womg this post is gonna take some time cause its like some photospam of march camp pics hahah
Day 1
working dam hard. lol this photo was posed. thats why the rofl expression
looking very accomplished. esp joshua. lol.
below is a series of photos of Abigail
unsuspecting me 4. abby pose 4.
lol the unsuspecting me thing dam funny, reminds me of step up 2 the pranks pulled by the people on unsuspecting people lol....

felix, derek, eugene, abby and unicorn working VERY hard to complete the game. ahaha.
next up, series of photos of derek and i trying to appear in EVERY SINGLE group photo, pissed off the camerawoman abit so didnt manage to appear in one or 2 photos. hah. lol. (yes lily i know very irritating, us.)
got transferred to unicorn on second day due to mia dexter. haha. so im half dragon half unicorn! and above is the dracorn or unigon or whatever you call interactors pic!
and since im in unicorn as well. ahaha. although i played no role in painting this.
ah. end of photospam, i spent like 1/2 hr + scouring through the whole photobucket for pics with me in it. doing this so that i wont have a repeat of my osa incident to have people laugh at my randomly collected photos. hahaha. ahahah. there are still some other pics la. but lazy/ unsuitable to put. march camp was fun anyways! . .
numbers of pics with me in it incase i need it someday or something. ahaha. lol! . .
numbers of pics with me in it incase i need it someday or something. ahaha. lol!
anyways on to today.
today's tkd training was one of the most hiong training i have ever been to. which included crazy warm-ups [in the end, even before training started, already partly kua already. hahah but something worthy of mention was i started screaming out random lyrics and suddenly got adrenaline],
my first ever 3 rounds around perimeter (didnt even do it in my 4 years in high school la. ok maybe i did but i forgot. haha its one of my few rare and firsts time anyways.)
and crazy cooldown.
and including my turning kick which resulted in me kicking junxin's hip bone due to height differences resulting in my sort-of-sprained leg now. =/ bleh. lol. still got lots to improve in kicking. =/ sparring was same for me as usual, getting pwned. -.-"
onwards to manga saturday. bleach update was totally pointless, more like some filler, but i like the pics though.


espada! womg dam cool pls.
omg i found a ffx/x2 vid on the song. damn cool please. xD yuna! =D
too bad ulo being number 4 isnt here and is in some lame minor role next page. and next week is ulo vs ichigo again. daaaam lame. -.-" naruto is 100000 people (im exaggerating) some lame team vs madara uchiha, otherwise known as tobi. it had better be good.
sidenote: this song is great. womg i took like 1 hour + close to 2 hours for this post. .__. this has got to be my longest post -.-"
omg i found a ffx/x2 vid on the song. damn cool please. xD yuna! =D
please don't walk away
please tell me you'll stay
please tell me you'll stay
5:46 PM
lovely wednesdays,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
i just came back from jiawen's house from cookie baking for tomorrow's carnival. had a million and one things to say while bathing, (i always do that) but when i finally got down to doing it, always cannot remember one. z.
lets ignore the first lesson of the day.
pe made me wonder
how in the world,
i managed to pass my swimming silver (lol rhyme!)
and gold.
after lessons activities included,
looking at 74s prepare their performance for tml.
taking videos of people doing funny actions while singing the funny song,
waiting for the video to be uploaded.
going to fishtank and folding paper cranes for st luke's visit next week.
learning how to fold the zai crane.
and wondering why havent i learnt how to fold the prisonbreak crane yet.
making new friends.
omg la, i think, since jc started, i make an average of one new friend per day. thats imba. but thats to be expected hahah.
doing something not so desirable at class bench
while stoning and waiting for people to go jiawen's house.
realized both sides of my earphones died.
previously only left side died. rawr.
played p3 burnout dominator with kwangyeuh and jeremy while the rest went to but stuff. lol.
zi highed over finding crystals in sonic and crashing cars in burnout.
sian la, i think i have been playing too much games in front of people, make them think im some gaming nerd. z. lol.
mixed some random butter. < the only productive contribution i made to the whole cookie making process.
and i'd think they are still up, making cookies, rushing like some last-minute train.
and i realized, cookies are damn unhealthy, hence they are no longer in my dietary foodchart following my decision to lead a healthy lifesyle, healthy living begins with healthy food.
omg la, previous few lines sounded dam random.
and thats probably cause im talking to random people on msn. including revealing random things about myself -.-"
sidenote: realized since jc started, i lost my ability to codeswitch, and can nolonger speak in perfect (or at least more standard) english. even towards teachers. omg la. ok, starting from tml, will put in more effort into speaking less colloquial english, sound less like some ahbeng. less of las, and mehs!
sidenote2: omg i realized that
a) both vids i posted the starting pic is ME. ZOMG la. as in the starting screen before you click play. how tyco is that
b) i have been starting to listen to only english songs. (CONFIRM IS THE COMPANY IM KEEPING)
c)yes i know i look toot lily.
d)V is a very very very very very very very very very very very nice letter. cause it stands for vegangunx and vestige (both my profile names) and at one point vivi and also it stands for very good xD
close my eyes; and I'll be by your side
12:02 AM
journeys and commserve,
Monday, March 17, 2008
they say learning is a life long journey.
and i think i got a taste of that today at my second time at commserve today. while this is my official second time at commserve, it is actually the first time i have ever tried coaching a small kid cause the last time we were there, we were late and only in time for fun and games.
and my, coaching small kids is sure tough.
i finally got a taste of how helpless some parents/teachers feel about their kids. and how unsuitable i am for teaching as a career. its daaam exasperating trying to convey something to someone who wouldn't sit still in a chair. not to mention i forgot how to teach someone how to rmb the multiplication table. i cant even rmb how i learnt it. ._______. but i shall persevere! and improve over time for sure. sure got lots to learn in this area.
journey happens to be, btw, a qns for pw. which looks rather interesting/tough to do.
anyways. on to highlight of my post today.
4e07, a class above the rest
while we werent exactly like the most bonded of all classes, we were united in more ways than one. ie in mugging, niaoing ppl etc etc. compared to np, i was less attached/bonded to the class. but
and i guess 2 years / 1 yr + down the road when i see the 08s74 video, i would say the same thing again. i won't have it any other way (:
heres the proed video, while i cant say im extremely attached to proed or something, theres certainly something inside there that made me feel emotionally and more importantly theres the zai proed song inside! anyways most of the pics there are recycled from the 4e vid ahaha. even features pics of us when we were young
the batch dinner version.>>>
cant port from facebook -.-"
rah. back to work and stuff.
xian! : yes you mug! gogogogo!
eld: can train one!
lily: ahahaha you english song noob. ask me next time on how i found out your house ahaha. btw thiong bahru is quite nice to jog. but it takes 10 minutes for me to walk to there from my house. and probably even longer for you. ahah
ks: lol find some motivation lo, like how i found mine.
elson: why? bleach is getting imba nice lo. compared to naruto....
i would have it no other way (:
8:06 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
i just came back from my onceweekly/twice/thrice/whenevericanmakeit jog. and despite my muscle ache from godknows where (pia too much or from sleeping on the floor at eugene's) i hit 12.41!!11!! (:
and my PU improve from 4~5 --> 6~7 !!! yeah man! daily pushups and situps rock!
ok i realized the space above has become a space to haolian my not so impressive physical records. z. i should stop. anyways i think i only have time to jog/PU during weekends, so weekdays posts wont be like this.
of anime/manga saturdays i recently finished a manga, which i shall not name due to its explicit nature. but anyways naruto's getting damnnnnn draggy............................................................................................................. and wts is with anti climatic ending like RUNNING OUT OF STAMINA AFTER YOU RUN OUT OF CHAKARA...................................... at least bleach redeemed itself, the last page is way cool. there are two things kisuke was made to do... the second, is to ensure all captains are ready to fight!
one more time (:
and all the streetlights shine like they were stars
thats where you are
* i have no idea where to start .____.
to all about frisbee: :S its still a ? for me. but i'll try. like i already am
linky: lol. =x niao you mean
quek: sorry for headband ._. you can always borrow when im free to zihigh =x
kevin: yay, lightings were good, i said i would post on class blog but always haven got round to doing it. ahaha. along with getting a nice skin.
jazz: =x no comments. but thunder is nice
li ann: yay finally!
xian: jia you! you can do it sis!
lily: BLG is a band not a song xD aahahah, and i found your house today while walking to market! whahaha. o i get what you mean, the song is on top of the world not blg hahaha.
because you are my motivation
you are the reason
that makes me wanna go the distance
7:05 PM
sleepovers and songs,
Friday, March 14, 2008
UPDATE: just came back from my onceweekly/twice/thrice/whenevericanmakeit jog sessions at tb park. and am proud to announce i hit 12.48.! omg ok pls niao, i know i noob, but at least im trying, so that i wont be reduced to a blob of lipids. but just when i was about to do my routine pullups/situps/liftthelogs the daily rain started to pour again =( so i ran back home. rawr. home cannot lifelogs/pullup. unlike eugene's house.
i came back from my class sleepover at eugene's house yesterday, but since i don't have much photos, and since i don't really want to say anything about it, i shant haha.
i know i said i will post the yellow city post on class blog but i still haven gotten any photos, i think i will only do it on like wednesday. =/
i try to study but have been slacking, zzz. but i shall go back soon after i spam some youtube videos. wonder what people do when they are online.
this post is full of random sentences and i don't know why.
these 2 songs below are top of some radiostation chart and i youtube-ed them and found them quite pleasing.
when you look me in the eyes
your love is a lie
i don't know why i have been listening to english songs mainly, must be the company.
but anyways, my favorite song of the moment is still...
i know the vid sucks but youtube doesnt have nicer vids.
this is more of a fanboy production, i dont recognize any anime from here (just randomly filtered through) but the pics quite well chosen...
another nice song i like. FIVE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. has asuna inside! (:
i sing this almost every 5 minutes before midnight. =x
Cause all the roads they lead to where you are
And all the streetlights shine like they were stars
That's where you are
4:26 PM
of yellow cities and mondays,
Monday, March 10, 2008
Note: PHOTOSPAM will be updated constantly, cause the person with the pictures is busy mugging and can only pass me the photos later. p.s good luck and jia you!!

p.s whoa the zai chain/pendant/dogtag very nice leh, who buy one arh.
was spent eventfully planning for a
cause we were so smart we thought we could order at 6.45, eat by 7.10 and magically appear at victoria theater for yellow city performance by 7.30 we decided to dilly-dally, which eventually resulted in a 12 people- 3 cab mad taxi rush for the show. luckily made it in time.
the show was okay-ish i guess. the first show as many may agree or have already agreed with me, is a tad bit too draggy/ over extended, in yiling's words cliche. =x the second show was slightly better, but given its stark similarity to the artemis play, i'd say i prefer the artemis play over the second show. the last show was the best in my opinion, although the plot, like the former shows, was extremely predictable, not to mention that the main character (guy) spoke like he had a hole in his voice and had a fetish for robot girls ( mech- pedophile!). the overall feel was still the best, especially the funny parts. i think the whole show was mostly saved by the funny parts, including good acting by X, the robot ensemble (esp boey both in soldier and in "gang boss" mode) and desmond's rofl ken and barbie part.
towards the finale, i felt goose pimples all over me, cause the play i watched was the last to be played, in other words the REAL finale already, so expectedly all the huang cheng people's emotions would be rather high and touched that their months of hardwork have finally culminated in a night of great performance. so good job huang cheng people! [ esp SENGKY AND BAIHUI haha cause you're from 74! we screamed dam loud when you appeared].
*** note, the above post will be posted in the class blog (with minor configurations of course, as soon as i get photos.***
anyways today's march camp was okay i guess, i cant comment much since i'm at log comm and most of the time doing the log stuff. ahahah reminiscent of the past. basically kids are superactive. fullstop.
and recently, i got addicted to BOYS LIKE GIRLS. i know abit lag. but its thanks to kwang yueh/ jeremy/ celia whole day sing your voice was the sound track of my summer. so here's a zai vid.
THUNDER - Boys Like Girls
this is the more natural pictures version (no official mv out yet)
this is the more love-dovey version.
Boys Like Girls - Thunder lyrics
| |
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today I'm on my own
I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone
I don't know (I don't know, I don't know, I don't know)
And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside
Just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think we'll make it out
But you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder, and I said
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Oh baby bring on the pain
And listen to the thunder
p.s i realized i too whiny in the last post. and its not that i niao or what hahah, cause somehow i appear to be not the type who likes shopping ( o rly?) so iwasn't invited. haha. lol =x
your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
your eyes are the brightest of all the colours
7:28 PM
change yourself, before you change the world.,
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"No matter how talented you are, you alone cannot change the world. ..." -L from L Change the WorLd
went out to watch L Change the WorLd with Jia Han, Linky and Marcus + Jess yesterday. I learnt that shouldnt mix people who don't really know each other together or it will just end up as a faux pas or social fiasco.

anyways, the show was quite good in my opinion, definitely a must watch for die hard fans, although it has like almost zero link to the original deathnote movie(s) [to make matters worse, ryuk and WORST OF ALL MISA MISA both have only 30 seconds in the show. *claps* ]. But tt has enough comedic effects to keep you interested even if you are not a fan--> L's action's are seriously dam funny and cute la, that i'm inspired to buy a white long sleeve shirt =x although plotwise, it pales in comparison to the original manga and movies, doesnt really have the wow, such accute observations! and the high level of mind games that drives the Death Note engine but overall i still think its quite a good show.
i realized that these days (or maybe I have always been like that) I have been too sarcastic / niao/ critical/ direct to the people around me, such that they find themselves very much put off by it. sorry to all those that i have pissed off these few days.
which is possibly why i wasnt asked out today to the shopping trip. or maybe the class is too segregated, and im at the other half of the broken piece.
which saddens me.
p.s the near thing is totally no link la! although you shall be called near, so that you would always be near to help others in need and bring happiness to them sounds cool.
11:31 PM
short post,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
not really an update or anything, cause i gotto go chiong bio tut wts.
in anycase, after interact went to kbox with some of my
in anycase i think i should reply to tags
ks: yay i love my pressies mah!
wy: blogged but you dont tag =(
pearlyn: yes yes. im deprived
lily: (l) <3 ARES
jh: yah sad ending =( as with almost all of his mvs ._.
eld: yah dao dai is nice! i sang it at kbox today!
Marcus: .flick (although i haven gone to a single training session yet but will go tml!)
ee: yes!
xian!: hello sis! stay happy!
quek: ... (lol)
lol. end of rather redundant tag replies which helped me burned 10 minutes of my time.
11:13 PM
crossroads in life,
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
there comes a time where we have to make difficult choices in life.
where we find ourself stuck at the crossroads of life, with no idea of which direction to go and which path to take.
today was the day i made my decision. or at least headed towards a direction. it was a dilemma arising from too many ccas or the lack thereof. council was never really in my list so i had no problems with that. but i recently came to know of a Frisbee club set up in hc but the problem was i was already in interact! and tkd. i cant possibly take up 2 sports ccas so i had to drop one of the two. coupled with the fact that i want to try for fac comm and seeing that im not an elastic man with elastic time i cant possibly have 3/4 ccas. so obviously have to sac 1.
ah wells, in the end i still decided to hold on to all 3, as much as i can and see how it goes. =x
*btw its at crossroads, not at crossroad, quek xD and my pic > yours =D
9:43 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
i spent the last few saturdays doing ilp. but this week thankfully no ilp.
today was quite an uneventful day also. except anime saturday which should be renamed manga saturday instead cause i no longer have the time/ patience to watch low quality animes (which entails 20 minutes of intense eye staring , switching of camera angles, leaves floating and minimum dialog.)
anyways i am quite satisfied with the outcome of zaraki's match, which was quite expected actually. although im quite disappointed by the process. cause its ridiculous how holding a sword in 2 hands instead of 1 can make your power x10 and pwn/1 hit ko an enemy you were struggling against when you were holding your sword with one hand instead -.-"
and susanoo (real spelling according to wiki) is actually brother of amaterasu and tsukuyomi. so im guessing its a defensive/offensive water jutsu like his exploding mizu bunshin!
anyways eld's current blog song.
i first heard it years ago, jolin's version and weeks ago, jay's version
as much as i want to say jay's version is nicer (since im a fan of him), i still prefer jolin's version! (:
9:20 PM