Wednesday, April 30, 2008
today marks the one year anniversary of the last time i played pokemon.
lol. ok random, cause i suddenly remembered my last year csm was spent on the gb playing pokemon, i have no idea why either. old-school reminiscences perhaps.
i expected this year's csm to be special in a sense that there was more purpose in cheering because we have the faculty spirit burning in us that makes us want to cheer as loud as we can. unlike previous years where there was more motivation to run after the milo truck or find ways to escape like prison break.
unfortunately, i quite sad/ disappointed by ares's performance. i guess the new head was charismatic in his speeches but he was not made to lead cheers, and i would also think, next year's war games. the dep head was much better, but by the time they got their act together, most of the fac were already too disappointed by the initial letdown, they all went to chase after the milo truck instead. jem said "its bad to have 2 girls as the head". but he also said "its ok la, its only their first time". ah wells, there's definitely much more room for improvement, especially if we want to maintain the name of the most enthusiastic faculty.
i remembered the spirit that was burning inside me when they gave their prep talk to warm us up for the war games, the fire that burns inside us that makes us wanna give our all.
i remembered the spirit that was burning inside me when they gave us their prep talk to warm us up for dance competition. and that night we were crowned the fac with the best dance.
but sadly, today the fire was not there, and neither was the enthusiasm of the crowd. they did little to remedy to situation and we could see the disappointment in the previous heads' eyes too. it was a far cry from war games and dance competition.
on a sidenote, it was no surprise apollo won la. even from the far end, could see their heads' enthusiasm which in turn spurred the whole fac to be enthu as well. good job man alfred! and i think mingyang is damn funny la as a fac head. lol. quite hard to imagine. artemis put up a much better performance than us under his great leadership. lol.
then it was interact and tkd back-to-back meetings. rah. which did little to lift my mood from the dismal performance at csm. but im ok now i guess. and i guess as time goes by they will learn from today's mistake and bounce back stronger than ever.
hopefully the new fac comm will do something about it.
p.s crisis core is daam fun la, and the graphics is daam imba. especially the fight between genesis (and a bit of angeal) and sephiroth!
view the imba fight pls.
Since young, i had always wanted wings.
You know, like an angel.
Wings represent freedom for those who have none.
5:28 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
tralalala, clubserve was yesterday, have nothing much to say at the moment, will update when i got the time.
2:04 PM
lovely week,
Friday, April 25, 2008
math week was a blast. totally.
first with the wonderful fiasco at the hundredaire crap and now today, for making my class the famous "entire class who ponned" the ultra-interesting math movie about fibonacci sequence and the golden proportion which btw is 3 : 5 if you didnt know. that act earned my first 4 ( and hopefully last) demerit points in my life in hc. so you can expect the whole of 74 to be at the next cs session.
and to prove my presence in the lt, i can tell you about the enthusiasm the mac ppl shown, special mention must go to the com operators in lt2 cause they were like sooooo engrossed in the show, they had to take a nap and dream about it.
ah wells.
tkd today was fun. after like not going for an entire week due to injury, i totally forgot both patterns =x but only managed to revise only one pattern =x then sat around to see some sparring, some are really good in their kicking and always land beautifully and rarely make wasteful kicks. sigh. alas my injury prevents me from engaging in this sport =/ and im afraid i'll have psychological scar. lol. and after training we deicded to indulge in more patterns and shouting at the end. (:
lol randommmmmmm
manga weekends are so fun man.

thanks friends and xian for constantly reminding me that. (:
9:35 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i guess we all need breaks sometimes.
today was the day my head broke down totally and told my body i needed a break. so i went home and slept.
*lol sounded dam retarded i know ._____.
i guess school's finally getting down to some people what with all the commitments and not doing up to your expectations.
but i think its okay as long as you think you did your best and gave your all. and even if you didnt, try harder next time! you know you can do it no.7! and many others know you can!
i guess taking a break sometimes helps to rejuvenate yourself and freshen up for the set of challenges that still lies ahead.
and thank you my friend(s).
we'll go the distance together.
8:16 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
今天失常了, 对不起.
it didnt help when i woke up with a headache carried forward from yesterday.
i think sometimes, im too direct. i talk through my hat. whatever comes along in my brain i'll just blurt it out. while the good thing is that it shows im honest, i dont put up a false front, masquerade, facade, whatever. but the bad thing this may come across as too direct to some people, or perhaps, in some cases, even hurt people.
in anycase, i have to change, to think thrice before i say anything, but i most definitely wont put up a facade.
im sorry if i said something wrong in the morning.
i know i know nuts about soccer.
i know i cant give you advice on soccer.
i know you are going through a hard time.
but i do know i can be there, to lend a listening ear, if you need.
i know i was stupid in the audi.
i know i made a fool of myself.
i know it wasnt me.
i know it was something that went wrong.
i know i embarrassed myself in front of you, you and yooou.
i know it wasn't your fault.
i know i was too pissed.
im sorry for yelling at you at the lab.
im sorry for yelling at you at the bench.
and just so you'd know
no i dont take it to heart that my clothes were pulled or my paper was torn.
im sorry if im insensitive
im sorry if im too direct.
but sorry i cant do a masquerade.
but what i do know is,
i'll change.
and hopefully for the better.
haha there are many yous above la. not only one person, and im sincerely sorry, and i'll most definitely try my utmost to think thrice before saying anything.
some random things i spouted today.
red is the colour of passion.
red is the colour of the heart.
red is the colour of love.
red, is the colour of ares.
how do you differentiate yourself from others.
friends, thanks for always being there when i needed you the most. SPECIAL ones ones like Marcus who would always remind you how much of a fool you were and how people would still remember you 10 years down the road for being the fool.
and greater friends/classmates, like Rhea (and many others la), for lending a listening ear and offering much valued and appreciated words.
7:27 PM
overdue mondays,
Monday, April 21, 2008
i had very much wanted to blog, but the work and things going on is so crazy i totally had no time to spare.
so the last last week flew past quite plainly, including(i forgot to mention) me breaking 2 measuring cylinders which resulted in a whole pool of blood on the table during chem mock spa .__. the skin has healed since then but its peeling now, so i feel like a moulting snake. i hope i wont be so prawnhead on the actual day man.
other injuries included a super super big blueblack(orcheh) on my right foot and some degree of injury on my right hand, so after a session of massaging stretching pulling or better known as tui na, the chinese physician told me some "soft tissues" injured cannot exercise for one month. sigh. means i hafta rerun my 2.4. rah. my blueblack has gotten better la but it still feels pain. sigh.
i feel like a broken man. and am seriously worried about my fitness level.
my weekends are so hectic i spend them mugging only. but last saturday was spent at ares fac outing. which i thought was still rather okay-ish despite low turnout rate due to bio test on monday (aka today). the journey there was uber funny, cause we took a (wrong) beach tram to siloso beach and had to end up walking a even further distance to palawan beach instead. haha. i guess i missed my underwaterworld too much =x and so we missed the ares sunset pic. but cheer up guys at least we got a class pic! (wheres edwin ._. ) i thought my class was quite an
today was a case of monday blues for me, and i was totally looking forward to commserve, but by the time we reach already rather late la, plus the fact that the uws ppl were there as well so only managed to teach a sum =x and half a compo. =x and an hour of scooter + badminton with the kids haha.
on fac comm, i know i was rather enthusiastic about it. but after talking with a few people and gathering my thoughts, i finally decided to let it go, cause i didnt want to die from too many commitments, and partly cause part of me didnt have the motivation anymore, its an unexplainable feeling, its not that i dont love ares anymore, but the intrinsic motivation just vanished.
i like the quote from jonneo, if it's going be a better fac comm without me, then let it be. (:
but i guess its not really applicable for me anymore.
and this
Sometimes it's interesting to question yourself why. Review what you have chosen and then decide on what you're going to do next.
which inspired me to think of another quote. adapted from mr wdjaja's answer when we asked him why dna of cow similar to yeast and he said "ask yourself why not"
so mine is,
ask yourself not why you have chose this path, but why have you decided not to take the other.
crap. sounds quite noob.
ok how bout.
ask yourself not why you have chose this path, but why you have not not chose this path.
it's not easy
to be me.
7:37 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
spent the afternoon at tuition, which not-so-coincidentally, my ex classmates were there too. i cant express it well but i like the fact that we got together and talked, although only for a short while. it was the same case when talking to jia han a few days ago. i think i can understand how ppl from other schs feel, coming into a new environment and missing your old friends, although my case isn't that bad cause they are still in the same sch haha.
omg. im stalked la o.O i think i should stop blogging so frivolously in such childish language lest ppl who randomly stumble onto my blog think im such a random person. lol =x ahha jk. dear new readers, pls understand the style of this blog is meant for ppl who understand the weird lingo that i have become accustomed to using, so don't be too shocked by the funny lingo. lol
*congrats to ky, saw from your msn nick, that your band has been shortlisted to have a shot at becoming top 16!
this was the song the band sang haha if got vids then i will post it up. lol this mv looks so funny, wang lee hom when he was just a newbie hahaha.
i know it's old haha but im addicted to it again ><
She laughs at my dreams
But I dream about her laughter
9:56 PM
fridays tkd and advance manga weekend,
Friday, April 11, 2008
today played out like a series of not so fortunate events. which first began when i broke a measuring cylinder during/before mock chem spa. .___. then swiping my hand down to break another -.-" and finally find my fingers spewing red blood like theres no tomorrow. -.-"
then during the break before ct, a disappointing hike with lowell (the others disappeared [?] not hungry [?] / dunno doing what) to highschool then hiking back again cause the noodle stall was closed -.-"
and lastly opening my bag to find out i brought my sis cgs pe shorts instead of my own and had to borrow joshua's one instead .___.
at least tkd was fun!

im starting to like sparring alot. if i were to make a choice, i would liken it to naruto's chuunin exams the most or something like a ps2 game. before sparring we were made to practice kicks, then kicks which involved jumps somehow made me feel of thinking of pressing 'x' to jump and "triangle, circle or square" to kick. lol.
anyways, compared to the previous first few sparring sessions, i felt this session was quite good and as suggested, i would reflect about my matches.
match 1 vs junxin.
having been friends for like 4 years? normally wouldn't really go all out. besides we agreed that we would just put on a show including doing our favorite touch-your-toes exercise to avoid a back thrust lol. but somehow because of some of my early kicks which made junxin decided that " he would not want to disappoint me since i was making such an effort to make it so real like" he decided to give me a push kick or what ever you call that. i shall name it the big boot after wwe's big show. in case you dunno, as the name suggests the move involves the attacker sticking his foot forward towards your chest and pushing you backwards. if this move hits, normally would stun your opponent for 0.5 secs due to shock from a humongous foot pushing you back. this kick would become jx's star kick for now. lol. or rather his fave pose then after a few rounds of my evasion / tanking such kicks, i decided to block it which resulted in some blueblacks. oh yah, another of his fave move is a combination of gattling gun ( from one piece if you dunno which involves spamming of punches) and a big boot at the end. quite stunning cause its spam + shocking + might be painful.
match 2 vs yellow belt girl.
same problem as last week, cause girl so i stoned there for a few secs and took a few hits. then felt sian and decided to give a few kicks back. then she took it for real and started kicking me quite hard so in the end turned out quite ok. i think my style involves running around then finding a chance and start spamming random turning kicks and punches if applicable.
i think im an agil/intel hero lol. besides running around alot (ie circling the mat which loses/wastes alot of my energy so i guess i have to work on that) and kicking quite fast and continuous kicks but not pain (so its quite lol and very tiring after spamming so have to proceed on to strat 2 which is running around circling. -.- to rest lol ) i also try to use my sharingan. ie such as learning from other ppl and employing their moves such as jx's big boot which i felt was quite an effective move. gattling gun wasn't really applicable cause i recieved quite a few boos from punching a female lolx. so only did kicks. besides sharinganing to cope skills sometimes sharingan is used to predict moves and try to counter attack. sometimes i feel that i know that the kick is gonna miss sio i sould counter attack back that, but im either too far away or my body is too slow to react so i definately got much more to improve on that.
match 3 vs quek
which having sustained some blue blacks from previous matches and the fact that getting hit by quek = rammed by lorry, i was dam hum and wasted time / energy running around in circles. occasionally atking and blocking which resulted in very painful crack(!) sound from my legs and even more painful blue blacks =x rahhh.
sparring is getting fun nonetheless and i feel like a pokemon someitmes learning new moves. -.-" lol damn random. and thats why i say its like a naruto match cause the fighting is totally like naruto's fighting like the one where sasuke copied lee's primary lotus to make the shishi rendan. except that we cant use jutsus.
loool ok this was a random post.
manga weekend, naruto was -.-" like some filler, and bleach was quite okay i guess.
ah wells.
anyways heres a naruto mv which according to shi yu is the BEST you will ever see, have to admit its quite zai. and made me miss the old naruto more. i totally swore off lmao shippuden already.
10:12 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
today's 07/ 04/08, and incidentally s74's bday.
but no one seemed to remember(?) or even know of it ._______. no matter, theres still 04/07/08 the second bday. lol, better do something about it lest it gets forgotten. i think, our seniors have done a wonderful job bonding snr and junior class together haha, maybe its just my personal opinion, but other classes don't really dig the idea of snr-junior class, i heard got some even have at stj/jts snr sit with snr and jnr with themselves. haha. or maybe its just that the ties between mortals and angels are still quite strong(?) or maybe the senior's class spirit is already quite strong to begin with (?) as compared to our's now, i mean look at our wonderfully zai blog. -.-" abit active arh. compared to other classes which have daily / once every 2 days? albeit by only 1 person? argh. bleh. cant imagine next year. ouch.
we just need something that keeps us together, something that keeps us going. like a camp. camps are damn essential in any kind of bonding in my imo its the quickest and bestest way since it brings out the best and worse of people. but a camp will never realize. ahha.
anyway on sat, tkd, for sparring, i think i certainly got much to learn man. being the
i think this song is nice. yes i know its your blog song eld! lol. coped. coupled with a soso naruto mv(:
come back please naruto/sasuke friendship/rivalry!
i guess many people might feel the same since the transition from high school to jc.
Everything has changed
Faces stay the same
but i hope we still stay best of friends.
Shadows and regrets
We let go of the rest
9:43 PM
stop and stare,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
i think this video is damn zai and artistic.
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
yes, i know, as always, im a bit lag in music. bleh.
i desperately need to start playing crisis core rawr. but i haven't even completed god of war yet haha. no time ><
the video abit long cause theres this long scene before the song actually starts.
this video is quite zai, i like the enstranged sas-k(!) and naruto relationship. but i think bleach is getting more exciting now. but fma is still rocking my world.
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
8:37 PM