is blue,
Friday, May 30, 2008
i'm feeling blue like an artemis boy.
discussuing manga with kj helps abit but not alot.
this week's manga is freaking exciting but it did little to lift my mood.
what with eagle mangekyo and ebil aizen the nubnub vice-captain.
talking with my mortal also did little to lift my mood :(
even the fact that i FREAKING GOT FF7 ( NO NOT CRISIS CORE BUT THE NORMAL OLD MOTHER OF ALL RPGs FINAL FANTASY 7) ON MY PSP did little to lift the ._________________________________________________________________. mood.
i hate the nonchalance;
and i hate the suspense.
and i know listening to emo songs are no good. but im still doing it anyway.
ah wells i shall drown my sorrows in jay's concert borrowed from GOOD FRIEND RHEA (: one of the silver linings of my dark dark clouds.

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
p.s ok la got abit of help la, discussing manga also. haha xian suggested i shd go out; which is quite true la all the occasions im out of my house are all to sch; ah wells theres CO concert on sunday; superband as well; not to mention SPAREX next week!!! 1337 which means i should prolly get my act together and start my work! and hahah thnx for flower cats and telling me not to listen to emo songs ppl (: some sliver linings in my dark dark cloud
8:56 PM
you are an angel,
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

omg i found this on deviantart and its chao cool. i think it's L? looks abit sasuke-ish to me at the same time, and it totally mirrors crisis core's 2 angels [angeal and genesis, one white one black], or 3 if you played till the end/ start of ff7.

anyway saturday was spent looking for new stuff in queensway, including specs [to no avail], slippers and skinnies =x
sunday was JTS! (not class but interact) which due to my cool fashion sense, i didnt have any yellow shirt, which unfortunately was the dress code of the day.
unlike coolio sammie who DIDN't have any blue shirts (like wth?) [which was HIS dress code] but had a BRIGHT SHOCKING YELLOW (with some shiny confetti or something on it !?) lol. collio sammie.
anyway thaiexpress was ok except that they only serve coconut icecream -.-" which was -.-" after you nearly finish your first scoop. the price was also ok. OKAY at 40 bucks which costed more than my class's JTS which also included 2 cakes. bleeeeeh
*pics if i get them
monday was spent at the handing over ceremony
while today was spent doing my BRONZE napfa due to my BRONZE SBJ :(
+some laggy castle fight/ some zzz dota match
i recently became addicted to secondhand serenade. really cool band (?) not much of a band since it's a one person vocalist and guitarist. supposedly wiki describes it as an emo band which i must agree abit, his songs tend to make you feel abit emo. started listening to it after jon soh came with his ---
because tonight will be the night that i will fall for you over again
don't make me change my mind
because a girl like you is impossible to find.
impossible to find
but i think the second album is cooler than the first. and i particularly like STRANGER
this vid is imba nice, a tad bit emo with some lesbian scenes inside =x cause the creator is one. but putting that aside, i totally LOVE this vid. damn nice.
I'm staring at perfection.
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are.
You call me a stranger, you say I'm a danger,
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight.
I'm broken, abandoned; you are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight.
5:11 PM
oh my,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Oh my! 89th post, 88th post last post.
today marks the last day of school, last day of semester and the release of hctkd elections results
but before that, i thought the last ct session of the term started off well, with a belated bday celebrations for the march/ april babies with an imba nice banana chocolate cake from secret recipe which is to become my favourite flavour after today.
elections later on, which of course exists imperfections, but alas again i am in no position to comment. as with all elections, there are bound to be some who will get in, and others who fail to do so.
more importantly, it marked the last training the j2s will be with us, its kinda sad really. because unlike interact where seniors are mostly there to a) facilitate whatever discussions/ disseminate information, tkd is really about training your techniques and skills which in a way is more physical which in a way (hard to explain) leads to greater bonding involved (im my humble personal opinion).
so inevitably there will be some form of emptiness upon knowledge that after this training, we wont have any j2s to guide us anymore. i think what zhi hao said was quite inspiring
"be everything your juniors are not, become everything they want to be". yeah man, as an active FOC (friend of comm) i shall do my best! =p hctkd; we kick butt! jiayou! totally looking forward to sparexx.
p.s shall do a list of things i wanna achieve during june hols soon (like next post?)
p.s dear readers(eg shiny and baoting!) , TAG! lol.
looking forward to a fruitful enjoyable JUNE HOLIDAYS!
*crap sidenote, manga weekend is totally imba this weekend.
first up with naruto confirming ITACHI IS INDEED A VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY GOOD GUY + GOOD BROTHER. and then with bleach starting an imba exciting match between hollow form ex-captains and ex-captains, damn exciting (story of the vaizards arc)

12:28 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
today was quite a disappointment for me.
first with me waking up with muscleache (didnt stretch before sbjing the previous day) so i couldnt take napfa again ._.
second, i now know how hard it is to work a crowd, i shall refrain from complaining about others in future.
i know i have prolly not lived up to many's expectations as to the role they expect me to play. pls 包容/ 包涵, i would most definitely work on it.
special thanks to those who gave encouragement.
on a sidenote: im currently confused about something, unlike mr sthsth and probably need some help in decisions to be made.
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
I loved you more than you'll ever know
9:10 PM
I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm,
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The past week was a whirlwind for me, first the results.
which i must say, wasn't the most ideal case in the eyes of many, but i am in no position to comment.
the decision to go for it was one made after careful considerations.
and the journey put me in a very tight/ difficult position, which proved to be even worse when the results were released.
I don't know what to say, and i know no matter what i say, it wont change the fact that it is as it is yesterday.
but the fact is both of us put in alot of effort, you'd probably not need/want any words of comfort or anything from me, but i hope it wont affect anything in the future.
that being said, that's the thing about elections, because of this imperfect world, the imperfections are sometimes bound to make a few happier than others. it was the same 2 years ago, when i remember i cried for some reason (out of sadness) when np results were released =/ yes im a baby i know. and the same imperfection was repeated during the council elections results.
but i must say when such results are released, it often reveals a few forms of people, a different side of them you will never get to see. there are those who whine and complain and start pointing fingers, and those who graciously accept the fact and congratulate those who made in and move on in life. and i seriously admire the latter group of people. NOTE: totally not directed to you in anyway.
and it is in such situations, where you start the see who are your true friends, who will stand by you when you need them in your lowest moments, and i'm sure you are glad to know that you have such friends (:
oh and one funny thing during the elections, if you listened closely enough, you would have noticed that jeremy, eugene and I all had, at some point of time, said a friend once said or something along the lines, and you know what we all have the same friend! RHEA (: which we must not forget to give our utmost thanks to for her unwavering support and much appreciated help, and of course all friends who supported us in a way or another including the 74s classmates and seniors.
"It is not the crown that makes the queen, but what's inside that matters" - my good friend, Rhea. (actually quoted from the movie when Harry Met Sally)
looking forward to an exciting term (:
SHAKE! on friday rocked like anything. but the funniest thing was jeremy and joshua labelling the Chinese Dance part as toilet break dance ( sorry for the poor support, i know you all put equal amount of effort into it and some dances were really nice) and then we decided to go out during one of the dances, only to come back to find out that just after the dance ended, there was a 15 minute interval!!! ._________.
anyway, three cheers for all the dancers I know, including 74 aileen, edwin and chuyi yx shuhui and the twin bros, as well as BLACK, jonneo ck elddd sq hh & wilson for the excellent performance y'all put up. ( sorry if i missed anyone out lol ><) it was definately worth the money and time lol :p and more so if you considered the fact that we were at the front 2 rows (: thanks to diane who saved the day once again.
tkd training today and competition tomorrow, before scooting off to the much anticipated STJ ( i know we must be the laggiest class lol) hope all goes well tml
manga weekend is damn exciting seriously, bleach paled again. Naruto is daaaaaaaaam exciting. it is finally revealed ITACHI is a GOOD GUY. yay, he's one of my favs again (:
p.s thanks to certain influences (READ: JEM and Valoo) which piqued my interest for AI season 7, i spent some time watching the two davids on youtube and the marathon rerun on starworld now. ._____. and i think both are special in their own ways haha. but i especially like "I don't want to miss a thing" by Cook.
p.s KY and Jon Soh's Band 伍個人's promo vid is ON TV. i saw it like 2 days ago when i was on my com and the tv started playing it and i was like eh sounds like ky, then i walked to see and was like wtf it is ky lol! damn funny, ky reminds me of harlem yu, don't ask me why. heres their vid btw, which i thought the editing was poorly done cause they cut ky off when hes reaching the most zai part of the song-- the chorus.
they will be singing wangleehom's Julia on the first round so please lend them your ears and give them your support! (:
and good luck to me and my team tomorrow!
7:49 PM
rainbows and butterflies,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
today's a winding road, thats taking me to place i didnt want to go.
lol. today was elections, i cant express any feelings / thoughts at the moment so i'll leave it at that.
im currently indulging in music especially those by all time low (inducting quek to it) while he trying to sway me to lifehouse.
I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm
Cause it feels like stealing hearts
Calling your name from the crowd
11:37 PM
the BEST DAMN thing.,
Monday, May 12, 2008
i seem to have a knack for updating only on mondays.
maybe its the only day where, after my weekly tests (all on monday), i feel relaxed and not feel like doing anything else.
wednesday is gonna be important. but i haven't got the inspiration to write my script yet. i need to think like a Rhea! ( even though she went ballistic today and totally wasnt her usual self, prolly council and stress getting to her. ) effective, simple, engaging (ie wont-make-you-sleep) speeches.
manga weekend is rather okay i guess. bleach paled in comparison to naruto. the revelations are shocking. ITACHI A GOOD GUY? UCHIHAS A REBEL CLAN??? wommmgggg.
interesting fact 1: i need to unscrew my gp. hence i decided to spend my june hols finding back my long lost passion for reading. currently gonna embark on sophie's world, which has been lying around the table since dunno when.
interesting fact 2: im currently loving The Best Damn Thing by Avril!!!
wish me luck.
interesting fact 3: felix is in windsurfing for sabbats, although now he'd rather be in wakeboarding.
im the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen
8:20 PM
wonderful mondays,
Monday, May 5, 2008
the once-a-week wonderful monday is here again. along with its complementary set of monday blues.
monday blues hit me hard cause i have tests practically every monday, which means my whole weekends are burnt and i usually make up for it by slacking on monday nights =x and usually after the tests, the whole mind is mired in a fog and there really isn't any mood left to do anything. except, maybe finish work due on monday but still undone. and usually the mood gets a bit cranky and behavior starts to deviate from normal.
i didn't get the moepreu thingy, which was to be expected lol, after i self-fragged myself by talking about my ambition. my ambition isn't really something a normal kid would write about for his primary school essay. *laughs. if you don't know about my ambition, you can ask me personally, but only if you promise not to laugh. i think i should change my ambition. hah.
the trip to st lukes hospital on saturday was an eye opener for me. the old lady spoke of the importance of health, which kinda reminded me of a scene from tuesdays with morrie. she dismissed the importance of wealth, and kept on emphasizing the importance of health is wealth, as she lamented how she was unable to travel the world ever again, as tears welled up in her eyes, and we were speechless.
on a random sidenote: its important to stay true to your self. no matter what.
i randomly switched to channel 56 to watch a chinese ep of naruto. it was the scene of the last fight between sasuke and naruto. sure, chinese dubs sound funny and totally suck, but they still told the story they wanted the world to know. of how people change, for better or for worse. and that no matter how much you have changed, there would still be people waiting, hoping you would go back to the person they once cherished and still love very much so.
which also made me miss how beautifully the pre-shippuden stories are told. unlike their eye-staring shippuden counterparts now ._. rah.
p.s it was golden week in japan last week so no manga.
p.s theres prison break season 3 on channel 5 today omg!

playing this just makes me wanna know the ff7 story even more. didnt know aerith was zack's girlfriend zomg.
"Even if the morrow is barren of promises,
Nothing shall forestall my return"-Loveless Act 3
Embrace your dreams - Angeal.
8:32 PM