Friday, June 20, 2008
prolly my last post before the next week.
naruto and bleach are both exciting. i realized naruto's artist uses alot of literary tools to evoke feelings. while bleach is getting back on track!
would like to describe the present with a song but can't find any at the moment, prolly the most suitable would be "ai pia jia eh ya" literally means must pia then can win.
jiayou let's go.
11:42 PM
that's what you get;,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
GEMS yesterday didn't really achieve its intended effect of bonding the class in my opinion; mainly cause the usual people just stuck to the usual people and adding on to the heavy exam mood; most people were just more interested to get it over and done with.
the only thing that came out of it was my uber delicious brownies and tiramisu cake (: but the strange thing is; having witnessed how i made the cake (that is not to say it was an unhygienic process), i felt rather queasy after eating the tiramisu (most probably its cause its not cook and only frozen !!! raw eggs!!!) and HAHA; too bad readers lke you don't get to eat the uber delicious cakes.
the mock test today was a wakeup call more than anything to tell me i should stop slacking and get moving =x
but i'm still disturbed by something;
a problem almost everyone else is disturbed by.
it kind of revolves around the same things;
it's damn sian really when you feel too tired to do anything like studying zzz or watching tv or playing your favourite games. rahhh.
EDIT: lol shao nian te gong dui on 56 now is hilarious. 5566 mo fang hei she hui mei mei its dam funny LOL.
^ whole show can be found here not that anyone would click on it haha.
._. this screams of blatantness
3:19 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
i'm back!
okay was back since more than 24 hours ago .___.
anyway my reflections on sparex are; while most people are talking about how fun / informative it was... all i can remember is my sad experience >< [ok joking haha]
almost everybody earned a lovely blister or 2 on day one kicking barefooted on the scorching ground; before jetting off to the ominous sounding shifu training. which was rather hiong la imo; or maybe it's just me who doesn't have the psychomoto coordination to do turning kicks while running backwards.
then it was the nanyang heights thingy which wasn't really as bad as it sounded because it literally felt like just climbing stairs. but maybe it's cause it was only 2 rounds; 1 round short of the usual and that there were more people than usual so it was too crowded to do anything of impact.
Saturday was about various workshops on sparring including Mental Strength Training; aka MST. which was quite a different experience cause you learn things you never learn before like courtcraft; taking advantage of your surroundings ( like running behind referees to avoid ... things for instance lol)
sunday was a painful memory cause my much anticipated match ended in me getting dq-ed cause i kept kicking some guy below belt level (ie; READ : HIS GROIN). i can make a million excuses like muscle aches and lack of sleep but it still boils down to my inability in the very end and i know i let quite alot of people down ):
on hindsight, i felt like i really didn't do my best and my match was like some inbetweenmatches joker filler match. while others can talk about how they have improved/ applied techniques they have learnt before/during the camp, i don't really recall myself really applying anything at all, even to the extent of not applying what the coach advised ):
my most vivid memory of them match was more like the referee's stern face telling me "one more time and you are out"
and then the second round came; i was getting sort of spammed and i dared not raise my legs for fear of getting DQ-ed.
cheers were getting louder for the other guy cause i wasn't really doing anything productive and then like what jackie said its like some bu shaung feeling like "eh not like i cannot kick right?"
then... WHAM.
ouch for him.
dq for me.
still, i can't believe i lost to some nua looking rather oscar-ish guy whom i was sure i don't kick that hard and i didn't really hit that part much + there was the almighty groin guard to fall back on.
it only goes to show i have alot to train up on the most basic of all kicks; and start by raising my knee-- if i still want to remain relevant in sparring.
oh and the nights were ._. fun; in an interesting manner
edit: i read something about smashing hearts. no, not hearts as in the hearts game we played 2/3 nights ago where i got 2 lovely queen mamas but the real heart. which made me remember a lyric of my current favourite song! why do we like to hurt so much? i felt that way too; im sorry you did. haha but at least alls well now and everyone is (((: never again; that mistake.
tag replies soon, but some questions just need no answer (:
or the answer will come in due time; and i thought i was rather blatant. ._.
photos for now, interact meeting + GEM tml leaves me with like ??? hours left to study for bio mock. go me!
12:08 AM
off for 3 days,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
is going off for sparex for the next 3 days (:
good company, good activities and good late night games. (ok sounded wrong but don't get any naughty ideas in your head).
anyway, my enthusiasm for katy perry is over(so short lived?!); my new muse is paramore (: maybe cause it's avril-ish? red hair is always a plus? =o
i found them on mtv this morning; that's what you get is very catchy. misery business, crushcrushcrush. raaaaah!
That's what you get when you let your heart win, woah
9:08 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
im (((((((((((((((((: today
the frisbee fellas came over today for some random shippuden accel; com; daidi; etc etc fun (: including lily the
discussing random things on msn; including just how cool crisiscore and cloud and zack is; how =oooooooooo secondhand serenade songs are; how angels should be 170cm tall at least xD and the line that mattered (:
oh and i found this singer on youtube; shes the attitude kinda singer; i have no comments on her sexual orientation; we should just focus on her music instead. her songs are mainly for girls - about breakups; but not those typical emo songs but i think her lyrics are quite interesting; some tunes are nice as well.
her famous songs - which are rather m18 in nature
ur gay is dam funny lol? and its not discriminatory to any group of ppl in particular (no shes not anti barbie -.-") but more like her grousing about her ex ><
this song the tune imba nice
but i particularly like...
--> tune damn catchy but abit m18 once again.
this is something i like alot also. it's dedicated to spears; the vid will make you tear if you were a fan ._.
i think this vid is damn sad; how did such a star fall from grace and become what she is today.
i think we should give her a break; let her sort out her life and herself and become the star she was meant to be (:
oh and here's the pic of JTS last saturday.

You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u (:
11:14 PM
of superband and co,
Monday, June 2, 2008
just came back from CO concert; ok not just i spent the past hour talking to GOOD FRIEND RHEA about jay's concert and superband hahahahahaahaha.
THNX GOOD FRIEND RHEA! the concert really lightened up my friday after feeling blue like an artemis boy. i dont wanna be a blue artemis boy! i want my days to be sunny happy like apollo (: or red with PASSION and LOVE like ARES (:
anyway today was a super rush day cause i decided to CF before heading off to superband, was almost late but made it nonetheless and OMG LA; KY and WU GE REN TOTALLY ROCKED ((((((((((((((: another cheering up for me and made me feel less blue after 3 blue days (:
AND here's the important part, if you missed it (aka you were mugging and didn't want to support your dear classmate/schoolmate, or (pardonable) you were busy with other engagements/ overseas, heres A YOUTUBE VID OF THEIR PERFORMANCE (((((((:
omg, their performance made me fell in love with the song. ok laugh at me, but if you didn't know my first ever favourite chinese song was yue liang dai biao wo de xin by denglijun also!
haha if you are online now you will be shocked to see what i'm listening to now at 2 am in the morning (:
haha someone said i should refrain from listening to emo songs so i will be a happy kid; this song is not too emo right, good friend rhea calls it cheena chic, and apparently jay chou sang it with hou pei chen before!!! =o
and next off was to CO concert; which honestly speaking; my 3 minutes spent at superband was more (((: than the 3 hours there but nonetheless the effort put in is commendable, some of the music made me think about alot of things and maybe it has reached its intended effect (?) good job anyways (: oh and i thought the drumming part was quite entertaining. in a way CO is abit different from other musical performing arts cause their expression depends on the song they are playing which is quite unique i guess?
so i guess im a more cultured person now going for such cultural performances (LOL), something i have never done voluntarily in the past 16 years +++ of my life and i can be sure there will be more to come. will definitely try to go for strings next year! haha.
i shall resist the urge to post an emo song at the end of this post (:
oh heartstopper;
the second you turned around, my blue day became sunny and red again (:
tag replies-
jem: lol yeah; be honoured
shi yu: added! gj for co maaan
kellie: ty! yeah looking forward to a fun and fruitful one too!
linky/quek: manga rox!
xian: yeah lifehouse IS cool, and thnx!
lily: .________________.
You don't live under a rock,
sorry i forgot
But you are a frog
you live in a well.
and that's swell! (:
- Lily the frog by the great master poet Felix
you asked for it lol. =/ although i still think theres still more semblance to a duck.
ks and pearlyn: .________________. okay...
1:50 AM