为你写诗 - superband, wugeren & yishijie,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
yesterday was spent scooting off to commserve after school before jetting to mediacorp to the much highly-anticipated SUPERBAND QF6!!!
the joke of the day was that as bus/mrt unsavvy youths, we had no idea how to get to mediacorp from BHS, so we decided to cab there.
upon reaching, we decided we were hungry and needed to eat, only to find out, much to our horror, that there was no food outlet ( we cannot locate it) at the mediacorp compound!?!?!
so super smart us, decided that we had around 1 hour 45 minutes more (it was 6pm then) decided to board a 74 back to coro, to get scammed by prince (jem's great recommendation) and then take 74 back to mediacorp. woosh! luckily we made it in time despite the jam at the highway.
no photos although this was prolly the time where most classmates actually came, ( around 10 ), but because we arrived late , due to the 74 incident, we had no seats and had to settle for one behind the c*star fans =x
which meant no negative comments about c*star during the show. lol. it was sort of weird in hindsight, sitting behind a group you didnt support, and sort of wish/know that that would be the group which would be booted out today. o and joi chua had a guest performance and we were fortunate to sit infront of a few
but seriously, the experience there and sitting behind the black box is totally different. the atmosphere is so electric, its impossible to not want to cheer loudly for the group you root for.
for me it was of course wu ge ren and yi shi jie (haha)
unfortunately, wu ge ren's fans are not as quick as yi shi jie's fans to upload their performance yesterday so i can't upload anything.
yishijie's rendition of 为你写诗 is damn nice. if you're interested the original version is sang by wu ke qun and im like damn addicted to the song now.
anyways, i thought yi shi jie was true to their style, jappish, very la'ar-cen'ciel-ish! wu ge ren was not bad also la (like duh? of course ._. )
anyways sidetrack abit, another song that i currently like is
all around me by flyleaf. surprisingly, this song is a christian song, sang by a christian band, but they have an evanesence-ish air around them. and no, im not into goths, its just by chance that both ysj and flyleaf are this kinda genre. and btw, i first heard this song on mtv, wasn't that into it but after hearing it again in the toilet at cineleisure last week i fell in love with it xD
oh and go wgr and ysj!
5:26 PM
why so serious?,
Friday, July 25, 2008
on the way to school today, having just completed a mhf2 lmao quest of killing 20 noob creeps i checked the time and was rather shocked to find myself stuck near coro in a sickening jam at 7.30 am. !!! =o
as i continued my painful journey towards the central plaza, meeting up with fellow late guy marcus, he talked about the last time over 100+ ppl were stuck in a jam too and as a result, late, then they still kana 1 demerit point. upon hearing that, i slowly started to formulate an angry blogpost on how unfair the sch system is. this thought was further affirmed when my ez link was confiscated. luckily , they decided that today there was a ridiculously large number of late ppl due to the jam and it would be most unfair to law abiding students like me to slap them with their maiden demerit point. so we got off it in the end (:

class outing today saw an attendance of 9 ppl. not bad already la. dark knight also marks the first ever movie that i have caught in cinemas since step up 2 =x the show is really deep. so deep that i can totally vomit my hrp out again, write a lit essay on it and prolly re write my hrp. damn if only the movie came out before i wrote my hrp, i would definitely focus on this movie only. heath ledger's rendition of Joker is a class of its own, the sick kind of joker, he's not even funny anymore. its a sick psychokindof twisted humor. although admitedly some parts abit funny la. but some parts quite violent also, like the mouth slicing part.
that said, i think the line that encapsulates the Joker and Batman r/p is definitely "you complete me". batman and joker is a whole, i think the lit term would be doppelgänger or foil/ anti-thesis of each other. both have some kinda madness about them, madness, as a metaphor of the dark side of ppl. that said, thats prolly the reason why they don't kill each other despite the numours opportunities laid infront of them, because without each other they are no longer a whole anymore, sth like a frankenstein - monster relationship.
This town deserves a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them. this line damn zai lol. the kind of men in the world who just want to see the world burn. the opposite of altruistic ppl. heath ledger's acting is so zai, its gonna be hard to fill in his shoes whoever the next actor will be.
on the dark side of ppl, i thought the social experiment the joker did was damn zai. in fact all his sick set-ups are damn sick in a way yet quite brilliantly thought-out (still say hes a dog chasing after a car with no plans -.-" what a lie.) its damn heartening to know that even the vile criminals decided not to sacrifice the life of others just to save their own lives, hence proving joker's hypothesis that there is a dark side in everyone wrong. the moment the prisoner threw the bomb away tears kinda welled up in my eyes, touched by that scene =x some may even go so far as to spectaculate that the detonator actually blows up their own ship instead, to add on to joker's sickness.
Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.

and for the sake of it, someone's favourite pic! LOL.

sidenote : im sick again, no thanks to the 3rd generation (i think) s74 virus. zzz i always get it after the first guy passes it on to another person before that person passes to me. so my virus already mutated twice liao. zzz -.-"
oh and good luck all frisbee fellas tml!
and dear readers such as jess pls tag!
9:05 PM
of silent screams and hard truths,
Thursday, July 24, 2008
an emo pic might have been appropriate but this is damn funny especially when u know the original version. (LOL)
gp today was movie fiesta as we watched clips after clips of gory images of floating eyeballs and dismembered bodies of unborn babies/foetus to supplement our learning of the various arguments for and against abortion. which was quite interesting, really, cause compared to the last time this topic was touched on in high school, graphic imagery had certainly much more impact as we see a whole class of engrossed audiences watching the show, afraid, but nevertheless catching the occasional glimpse through the crack of our fingers.
p.s: tag leh!
and when the silent scream goes unnoticed, it remains an immutable fact that the damage is irreparable.
4:58 PM
101: bliss or shadows and regrets?,
Monday, July 21, 2008
okay lotsa people have whined about the passing away of my blog. okay not lotsa people. only like a handful. (where have all my loyal readers gone?! the tagboard is dead as well!)
commserve today was fun, as usual. going for commserve at the start of the week is usually something to look forward to, and a powerful medicine to monday blues as well.
but more noteworthy was the trip there which was damn lucky cause we were on 961 and frigging 186 was just infront of us when we reach st margs. thankfully the heroic uncle overtook the bus before the next stop, promptly swerving right in front of 186 and horning at the 186 uncle to signal that there were desperate passengers trying to get onto it. (desperate because it was already 4.10 by then cause we spent

during which which many
ps: is it better to to try and be disappointed than to regret that you have never tried before?
psps: at commserve i coped someone's favourite kid (:
pspsps: some girl wore a pikachu jacket and it was damn cute. pics only if marcus/weilin send me/blog about it.
sidenote ps: dark knight this weekend! anyone interested? should be quite exciting since i wrote a
6:52 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
this is the 100th post i just realized!
anyways today was spent ilping - we took a good whole 7 hours (inclusive of random slacking, pissing ppl off on msn, playing the stupid camera game on eugene's phone as well as pokemon diamond and not to mention lunching.) for a 5 minutes presentation. woo~
the thing that came out of this is that i know now how complicated the Maccau / Macao casino's industry is and how for a moralistic industry, monopoly is actually quite a good thing.
ah wells, the fri - sun period was spent at an
the only thing i found truly enjoyable was the flying fox which was the true testament to my conquering of my fear of heights. i mean for someone who is afraid of climbing the last escalator to cinileisure (as described by fellow fear of heights lily the frog : the one with the spiderman).

i still remember what the instructor said "everybody has fears, it's just what you do with them."
when asked how tall the tower leading to the flying fox was he only replied "the tower is only as tall as you think it is." it is the tallest one in sg according to him btw (nearly 6 storeys tall)
i was strangely calm before my turn, helping with the pulleys and all but when it got near my turn, as i scaled the tower, the fear slowly increased (the tower btw was made with the metal not unlike those outside the audi so you could see what was below) but i soon realized all it takes is the courage to take to first step, down. and woosh. its like a giant fan blowing agst your face, the first few split seconds are scarey but simply only because of the sight and not the feeling cause its just too fast as compared to roller coaster where you get the dropping feeling.
and oh nights were fun once again with cards and supper for a team of 6 hungry boys who devoured 35 curry POKS. not puff.
all in all it was fun!
oh and jiayou for superband (voting lines are now closed) but i believe you guys can do it!
9:02 PM
End of Sabbats 1,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
today marked the last day of our first jc sabbat.
while many have spent their sabbats comfortably doing some art thingy or flower arrangement thingy, i spent like 12 hours out at sea.
today was definitely the longest time i spent swimming in the open sea. buoys were placed at a distance today to help us have a clear target and direction as to where we are headed/ supposed to be headed to.
compared to yesterday there was a definite improvement. and so on my 2nd or 3rd attempt to try to reach the buoy (my first more serious attempt) i found myself nearer to it than ever; like maybe 10 m? the thing with oceans is that although the object can seem to be very very near it's actually further than it actually seems; either that or that the object is constantly floating away from u; or im floating away from the object.
anyway back to the buoy attempt when i was rather near it; suddenly i found myself in a no-go zone (at a pt where u cant catch any wind and although im in correct position and everything the board doesnt move). and so suddenly found myself drifting to the opposite end; at the next breakwater -.-" then i attempted to swim towards the buoy which was agst the wave btw and that was counter productive so i gave up and had to swim back to starting point; the other end.
from there i finally tried again but this time i was like less than a meter away when the same thing happened -.-" this time armed with perseverance and determination; i frigging swam AGAINST the wave for what seemed like eternity and when i finally reached the buoy...

oh yah and i think i spent too much time at sea; it's like i can be sitting on my chair now and i can still feel like im trying to balance on the board
and i also think i can still taste saltwater in my mouth. yucks.
i think sg should seriously look into the worrying problem of coastal litter. the things in the sea is absolutely disgusting and i dun want to know the composition of the gulps of seawater i drank in during the numerous times i fell into the water.
read a poster there which read.
Don't you give a damn?
More than 10, 000 tonnes (or whatever unit) of litter in the marina catchment
is not in the rubbish bin.
or sth along the lines.
oh yah; im frigging sunburnt; my cheeks make me look like pikachu now.
sth i randomly remembered from some taiwan drama or sth haha.that and frigging hongkong show on 55 now; xihuanyigerendanbuzhidaotaxinlixiangdeshishenmeshizuinanshoude.
世界上最远的距离 不是 生与死的距离
而是 我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你
The longest distance in the world is not that between living and death,
But that which when I stand in front you, you just don't realize that I love you.
-Rabindranath Tagore
7:42 PM
Surfer Dood.,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

blocks are finally over, you'd prolly guess why im avoiding the topic.
anyway to allow ourselves to let our hair down after a grueling week; the school decided to let us go on sabbat wihch was fully sponsored. a huge leap from high school where we had to fork out the whole cost ourselves; but then sabbats at high school span over a week but over here its only 2 days.
so you'd prolly guess from the pic that im in windsurfing.
windsurfing for beginners is all about balancing. and overcoming your initial fear of falling in the water; you must psyche yourself up and tell yourself "falling down is okay; falling down is fun!"
the instructor was damn funny; kept repeating "ONE MISTAKE AND YOU FALL" which is actually very true cause the whole positionging of the body is a very delicate and precise process like 1 part imbalance you get ready to capsize liao.
to put things into context windsurfing is basically a huge surfboard and a mast or sail stuck on top. then you have to pull the sail around and maneuver it to get you to ur direction; something i have not mastered yet.
so the whole sessions for me was about:
getting to know how to balance;
getting to know how freaking polluted east coast park waters are;
getting my legs stained with oil? i dunno how (instructor : is that a birthmark? me: eh no. instructor oh its oil. me : ... ._. )
floating around aimlessly after countless tries of trying to get the blancing act right and moving in a direction.
sitting on the edge of the board and going for a joy ride with the instructor cause he was feeling board and i was physically exhausted after countless falling in the water and drinking gulps of sea water. (contains 1/100000000000000000 of oon's urine)
sailing with the wind from one edge of the boundary to the other end; demarcated by huge drains and then realizing oh shit my technique not good enough to turn around then have to jump off and drag the ^%$%$#&*&*( heavy board acrosss to the other end and repeat process.
or simply just drifting around aimlessly; either too tired or waiting for wind. honestly i think i spend most of my time just swimming around.
i think with all sports there's like a basic step you must master and only then can u excel and move on to other greater things. like kayaking is about twisting your body; tkd about raising your leg high enough to do a proper turning kick and windsurfing is about balancing and proper positioning.
crap either im staring at the com too much or i spend too much time at sea i keep getting the floaty floaty feeling zzz.
edit: yesterday was superband for ky and wugeren. grats on making it to the next round! took some pics but the ppl who took it never upload so i don;t have it either haha. only can say i/we all had a good time i'm very sure. (:
ps if you have cable tv and watch tang xin feng bao you would have heard this song; i think its very nice!
psps: dunno why apply sunblock liao my face still sunburnt like my cheeks and nose; so i look like a cross between a clown and pikachu ._.
if you follow the wrong star; my love will get you home
8:39 PM