Friday, August 29, 2008
Today's a special day
Today's a special day
for you and me
We'd like to say
We'd like to say
To all you teachers
Today's a special day
for you and me
We'd like to say
We'd like to say
To all you teachers
lol, the above was a song written by one of my primary school teachers and sang annually during teachers' day during my primary school days.
today's teachers' day performance was not bad la, especially the lol teacher performance part haha, as expected they dressed up as students but some teachers were really quite good at acting and aping ahha. the stripping part though was prolly the most contraversial ahah and im still undecided if its good or bad or even befitting ahahah. he danced well, thats acknowledged, but the joker painting was not well. haha.
on primary school visits strangely this year i broke my annual paractice of going back to visit mdm mok but that was cause i had tuition, amongst many other reasons which made me not want to go back.
went back to high school though (ahah stone's throw away). i think teachers are generally quite touched when they see that their students remember them and come back to at least say a hello and wish them a happy teachers' day. unfortunately went there abit late and only managed to see mr tieu, tancw (which i suprisingly wished him and i guessed he was quite happy also lol) and slim. could see from slim's face he was quite touched when he saw a big bunch of us coming to see him.
hp got new classroom already, i cant rmb what its called some modular classroom thingy which also functions as his office lol and the classroom/office freaking has got a ZEN FOUNTAIN! ZOMG. COMES COMPLETE WITH LIVE GUPPIES. and haha its nice reminiscing about hp days where we used to make merry when slim comes late for lessons (its impossible now since he is perma in his office/classroom so sad for this year batch), his fave slimmish language, the imba cute lion oars its dam funny got budget roar, premium roar deluxe roar mega roar wts and many more of his grabbing antics. o but i think he freaking forgot my name. wtf. o and ps oon is the poster boy for hp cause he got 47 for gp so slim uses it on "impressionable sec2s" to show taht u no nid hp to join hp and all the sec 2s go woah and some of them into the room looking for the "therapeutic fountain". WTS lol!
haha all these may sound greek to you but its a memory that i hold dear truly and would recount fondly in years to come as highlights of my highschool life. coming from a chinese school, we'd sing pu gong ying and somehow the lyrics师恩是春雨 keeps popping up in my head this few days lately. i think high school teachers are more close to us, its an inexplicable feeling la, but unfortunately the few teachers i wanted to talk to most have already left the school as in not working there anymore.
on manga weekends, i think all manga characters can do a cero soon. and i'm starting to think wabisuke is dam cool wts.
on class enthuness, i wonder how many ppl will turn up for maf, and i freaking want to watch STAR WARS AND WALL E BUT I DONT THINK I CAN FIND ANYBODY TO WATCH WITH IN THIS MUGGING SEASON. RAH
haha in memory of high school years and in celebration of teachers' day
today's teachers' day performance was not bad la, especially the lol teacher performance part haha, as expected they dressed up as students but some teachers were really quite good at acting and aping ahha. the stripping part though was prolly the most contraversial ahah and im still undecided if its good or bad or even befitting ahahah. he danced well, thats acknowledged, but the joker painting was not well. haha.
on primary school visits strangely this year i broke my annual paractice of going back to visit mdm mok but that was cause i had tuition, amongst many other reasons which made me not want to go back.
went back to high school though (ahah stone's throw away). i think teachers are generally quite touched when they see that their students remember them and come back to at least say a hello and wish them a happy teachers' day. unfortunately went there abit late and only managed to see mr tieu, tancw (which i suprisingly wished him and i guessed he was quite happy also lol) and slim. could see from slim's face he was quite touched when he saw a big bunch of us coming to see him.
hp got new classroom already, i cant rmb what its called some modular classroom thingy which also functions as his office lol and the classroom/office freaking has got a ZEN FOUNTAIN! ZOMG. COMES COMPLETE WITH LIVE GUPPIES. and haha its nice reminiscing about hp days where we used to make merry when slim comes late for lessons (its impossible now since he is perma in his office/classroom so sad for this year batch), his fave slimmish language, the imba cute lion oars its dam funny got budget roar, premium roar deluxe roar mega roar wts and many more of his grabbing antics. o but i think he freaking forgot my name. wtf. o and ps oon is the poster boy for hp cause he got 47 for gp so slim uses it on "impressionable sec2s" to show taht u no nid hp to join hp and all the sec 2s go woah and some of them into the room looking for the "therapeutic fountain". WTS lol!
haha all these may sound greek to you but its a memory that i hold dear truly and would recount fondly in years to come as highlights of my highschool life. coming from a chinese school, we'd sing pu gong ying and somehow the lyrics师恩是春雨 keeps popping up in my head this few days lately. i think high school teachers are more close to us, its an inexplicable feeling la, but unfortunately the few teachers i wanted to talk to most have already left the school as in not working there anymore.
on manga weekends, i think all manga characters can do a cero soon. and i'm starting to think wabisuke is dam cool wts.
on class enthuness, i wonder how many ppl will turn up for maf, and i freaking want to watch STAR WARS AND WALL E BUT I DONT THINK I CAN FIND ANYBODY TO WATCH WITH IN THIS MUGGING SEASON. RAH
haha in memory of high school years and in celebration of teachers' day
high school never ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
9:56 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
im sick and tired of all the work that keeps piling up and i can't muster enough motivation to finish all of them.
i need to break out of my disillusionment.
loyalty responsibility are some of the things that i really take seriously and today was possibly the the day i felt the greatest betrayal when not a single soul bothered to inform us that the makeup lesson had started.
okay on hindsight, i think im overreacting its no biggy actually and maybe thats why pride is so high up on my sins list. im not that pissed anymore actually. haha.
okay back to pw, work and life.
teacher's day tomorrow hahaha
random song dare you to move. haha just to make this post not so plain
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
8:17 PM
111! yeah, im on the next plane home!,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
i clicked on my account a few minutes ago and realized my previous post was my 111th post. haha.
im sure many fellow bloggers have had this feeling some point in their time before, (or maybe often) where they feel like they have many things to say but when they finally get round to typing it all down, it all amounts to a blank.
it's the same with studying, for me now at least. i don't really know what's wrong with me. i sit down and start losing motivation. WHERE IS MY MOTIVATION? WHERE ARE YOU MOTIVATION? WHERE ART THOU MOTIVATION? im finding you back motivation.
many ppl are pia-ing their pw now, i did that on monday already till 3. and suffered after-effects of having to take afternoon naps everyday after that till now. there's still alot of things to be done, but im mostly just sitting on it. sitting around.
this post is incongruent cause that's the state of my mind now. incongruent.
on passing out parade [where ppl line up and faint simultaneously, no im joking.] read ck's post and his remnisence/ recount of the exact same event, for us (38th lol he went to find out). and i must say i still rmb it fondly. but for some strange reason, i didn't go today.
the bunny bag is cute and im using it for a million and one reasons (mostly lame don't laugh). mainly cause i don't really like my bag, someone else has the same bag as me [lol sounds like a girl thing to say i know], bunny bag is cute, ppl like bunnies don't they? someone likes bunnies at least. MAF is coming. LOL. speaking of MAF, im not sure how many of my classmates will go .________. duo enthu arh.
watched mingzhongzhudingwoaini on 56 randomly today for the first time. lol hokkien is dam enjoyable to listen to somehow.
ok. end of my incongruent post. i discovered this song yesterday on mtv. nice! its a song about his daughter actually, about how he is always not there for her and now he wants to make amends. the video is quite cool also what with the smoke patterns from the aeroplane. ok im going back to find my motivation after this
and when the sun comes through and lights you like the angel you are whoah whoah
And you’re you’re the only face I wanna see
thats why I gonna be on the next plane home
yeah I’m taking the next plane home
Now I’m getting the next plane home
Now I’m taking the next plane home
10:02 PM
valor, courage and sins,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Greed: | High | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Very High | |
Sloth: | Very Low | |
Envy: | Very High | |
Lust: | Medium | |
Pride: | Very High |
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on 4degreez.com
something random i coped from sengky.
lol at my medium lust. o.O and it says here that pride is my greatest sin and that im a sinful person. hahaha. i think it's true to a certain extent, which means i should jian tao myself lest i turn into a hateful person. sorry if these days my words have been =/=/ cause i have been =/=/
on the olympics, watched tkd yesterday, which i cleverly decided to take a break at 8pm (the show ended at 9pm) and i have just watched all the way from 6pm, only to come out again at 8.40, thinking i can catch the gold medal matches, and found myself listening to the award presentation music -.-"
seeing that i missed the gold medal matches, the most exciting match i felt was that of the bronze medal match between taiwan and croatia. taiwan's female was the favourite to win, having won asian championship and varsity games amongst many other imba accolades. but the sad thing was, somehow tkd is a very played-down affair, so it was a one day thing.
this meant that whatever injuries you got in the earlier matches, you'd have to live with it (even during your gold medal match). of course, the only comforting fact was that your opponent had to live with his pain too.
but this particular match caught my eye because the taiwanese (quote the commentator) displayed remarkable valour, courage and determination. even with her dead-gone leg (some cartiledge thingy which causes her leg to lock uncontrollably where she rolls around on the floor in excruiciating pain for 10+ secs at irrwegular intervals in between the bouts), she mangaed to score a few points (most of them were roundhouse kicks to the head somemore) whilst balancing on only 1 leg.
of course it was hard for her opponent too. imagine you had an opponent, who could not fight at her best level, but now imagine that both of you are competing for an olympic bronze, its really quite hard to fight your best too, especially when her [taiwan] courage impressed the audience so much pratically the whole stadium was rooting her on. (but she [croatia] did anyways, i mean for your country and yourself, whats there not to do).
her opponent may have won the bronze but she won the gold medal for her courage (even had to be piggy-ed backed by her coach out, tearing) could feel for her really. after all she really did put up a good fight, but she was already handicapped from the start (that is not to say her opponent didnt deserve the win).
on the other hand, i witnessed a match between a quite skilled guy who did a few good kicks throughout his match and practically ran with his tail between his legs out of the court (even at the expense of a penalty point) just to secure his win -.-" what a good show of sportsmanship arh.
on table tennis, was quite disapointed la, but haix, its like she was quite beng kui at the end already.
oh and it has been a long time since manga weekends, naruto quite okok la, what with sasuke getting pwned (OMG LA show me some cool stuff pls sasuke!) and bleach ( concluding the zai match).
oh im recently quite addicted to this song!
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.
10:31 PM
everything to gain, nothing to lose.,
Friday, August 15, 2008
"For the finals, we are the underdogs. The team has everything to gain and nothing to lose, so I think they'll go in with a proper mindset." - Singapore's Defence Minister, Teo Chee Hean, who is also the president of the Singapore National Olympic Council
from http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/368478/1/.html
actually i first heard it on television.
I'm quite positive that the whole nation's quite excited that Singapore has finally gotten its first Olympic Medal after don't know how many years of not getting any ever since the runner (i think?) or the weightlifter scored us a silver (?)
anyways, go Team Singapore!
Even with the sound coming from fishtank, we could hear the enthusiasm our school has for olympics, (from 4th floor interact room) when cheers erupted when we won.

random thingy. haha was GT (which i thought wasn't quite fitting, then redid again and became SI).
listening to girls talk about games like streetfighter is er, damn funny lol.
listening to juniors and catching up with them on highschool life only makes you miss it more.
11:13 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
yesterday was an inexplicable mix of feelings.
after mugging till 11.30 i had a moral dilemma as to whether i should stay up to watch the results show (and risk zbing the fact that they MIGHT be out) , or go to sleep (and risk worrying the fact that they MIGHT be out and i won't know about it) so i watched in the end and true enough i stayed up and zb-ed.
ah wells, at least there's a revival round and today, we jokingly played around the fact that we could take a tin can and ask for donation for the "vote for wgr during the revival round" fund. having seen the success of tin cans donation while selling tickets for luce. imagine this, you have a tin can which screams " pls donate 10c to me!" as opposed to a screaming friend " please buy this ticket for 5 bucks (for something you might decide to not even go to in the end)" obviously u'd rather donate 10c.
and today was blah.
coupled with the fact that im feeling nauseous now. like a pregnant bird. except that there are no such things as pregnant birds. foul mood + insane hunger + sour food (aka phat tai or whatever you spell) then i had to merlion to rid of the discomfort. =x

random fact, my computer got reformatted, so its empty now.
oh and i cant figure out the fun in sitting inside fishtank to watch Olympics ._.
10:08 PM
HAPPY 43rd.,
Saturday, August 9, 2008
yesterday's school's national day celebration was ...
firstly was the parade. having been a participant before, i know how hard it was and how much sweat and blood they have put in, hours under the hot sun. marching around the track just to perfect all the nitty gritty stuff. so i wont really comment on the lacklustre performance ._. at least no one fell out. which was quite good.
what was really =/=/=/ was the fact that the MILITARY BAND decided to take the easy way out and decided to be a SYMPHONIC band instead and sat at one tiny little corner at the school field playing their instruments comfortably on their seats. to avoid repeating their yearly ritual of dropping maces perhaps =x
and to show how high-tech and ahead of time we are, even the parade commander was fitted with a mike. which really marred the grandeur effect of a parade =/ and he didnt really do a good job even with the mike, like no cautionary tone etc just plain do-it-for-the-sake-of-doing-it shouting.
was filled with immense gratification amongst other feelings that cannot be put into words when i walked past the sec1s (now sec 2s), hence was quite speechless, dunno/nothing to say. and to be honest their performance was quite good. or maybe im just biased hahaha.
didnt really paid much attention , much to my regret, to the college performance cause i expected it to be the same fanfare as highschool. heard they were quite funny. i only stood up to see once in a while/ waved the freebie flag frenziedly every now and then hahaaha. but participated in the song singing though hahaha.
afterwards was the usual class outing with the usual group of people doing usual stuff
wah damn lengthy post. skipping forward to sinming's visit today, don't really wanna comment =x
ooh National Day performance was quite nice, especially when you can see the jets zooming past your flat xD and i finally learnt the art of appreciating fireworks today. but the S fireworks were quite funny lol. the first one came out like a ? mark which reminded me about joker come to think about it. lol. and i think i like those BIG AND FLASHY and fizzy kinds (:
oh and

8:17 PM
Hot and Cold,
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
it's frightening to play hide-and-seek really,
when all you'd do is to blow hot and cold.
im kinda glad you're not , on, there, here, now,
cause i'd be at a lost if you weren't talking to me.
o, and in conjunction with the upcoming N'Day, here's a very very interesting blogpost you might wanna read.
>> http://blog.dk.sg/2008/07/16/shine-for-singapore-did-not-copy-japan-childrens-foundation-advertisement/
that said, that does not mean im not patriotic/ no love for singapore or anything. i'll still proudly wear my RED ares shirt tml!
oh and bhs as usual served its therapeutic function again, i found another more APPRECIATIVE KID, p6 sammysamsam and while he talks like a beng, at least he's more appreciative unlike others. and oh yah, did i mention he's quite good in maths.
one funny thing. my APPRECIATIVE KID, udin is damn cute. he told everyone to write their sig for him before drawing a "$" sign for the kid next to him, whose name was sundra, and said that was his sig.
9:33 PM
pro-life or pro-choice.,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
wednesdays never fail to be entertaining with ultra-wonderful GP lessons. (no sacarsm intended, contrary to popular belief)

there was the screening of "The Sea Inside" which was a real-life adaptation of a quadriplegic who's in his state because of a dreadful accident at sea. Due to personal beliefs that he does not want to be wholly dependent on others, he feels that he does not lead a life of dignity and chooses to die with dignity instead. However the story revolves around the legal battle he is fighting to legalize euthanasia and his right to end his own life ( which failed btw and he did it illegally anyway -.-" in the movie ) and the friends he made along the way.
the story was in a way, compellingly told, which justified its Oscar (ok it didn't only just win an oscar it won a whole list of other imba accolades as well) of course, and made me teared at the end
what was quite touching was the scene where the nephew whom he regarded as a son gave him a hug just before he was leaving to go for his suicide pill (illegally) and that was equally puzzling cause i still can't/ can never figure out why would he care so much if he wanted so much to die yet still engage in/ cling on to all the human stuff like socializing / love etc. rah its a feeling/ thought that i can't express in words.
the show also made me reconsider my stand on pro-life and pro-choice. i had always firmly believed in pro-life for abortion except in rape cases ( or something equally bad) but was quite ambivalent/ undecided on euthanasia. but i think it should be choice now. haha.
i totally won't mind paying 20 bucks to watch this show like say in a cinema as opposed to some 6 bucks lt3 night. =x ok la maybe its not too bad afterall cant be too critical ._.
doing lotsa hw after getting ur hand twisted in a few hundred ways in a self-defence course makes your hand nua. feel guilty tkd exco peeps. haha jk.
10:04 PM