after maf,
Monday, September 15, 2008
officially its only 1 day after maf, but actually school celebrations ended 2 weeks ago.
anyways, good luck and jia you everyone.
10:21 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
yesterday was superband revival round. it was easily noticeable that the filming theater was only half -full and the producer was hurriedly telling ppl to fill up the front.
that was probably why, the rest of you, sitting at home (like the rest of my very supportive classmates) probably couldn't tell that the place was only half-filled.
the results telecast was damn funny, because all the other contestants who got in were supposed to predict who would be in (who knows what they based their judging on? hope that the easier to knock out team gets revived? ) and wgr got zero votes.
against all odds, they were the first to get in. haha.while the cynical few, sitting behind their black boxes, chewing on their potato chips may be thinking "ahh they're just trying to milk money out of the cashcow", i(we) certainly thought they were deserving la.
but there were also other deserving candidates who shockingly didnt get in. dunno why ky had a scowling look on his face the whole day though haha maybe its the song or maybe its the tense atmosphere.
besides that there were random niaoing of how the c* girl went on the binge after she got booted then she became twice the size of her cousins :x (quek: pre-surgery 2000 pounds beauty or sth) and random niaoing of how quek occupies 2 out of 3 of the car seats while the rest of the 3 of them had to share 1 seat :x
this is dam funny! omg i think i first saw this on some summary youtube thingy then chanced upon the full version
and what luck! like few days after i saw it with my sis (for the second time and still ended up laughing till i fell off the chair [exaggerating lol] the second fellow-up just got uploaded today!
warning:contains expletives though but still very funny, though i thought the first one was better
found this thingy quite cool also haha
edit: wahlao its not just some pervo vid about bikini girls dancing la .______. -.-" watch and you'll understand.
something cute from postsecret. omg its quite a cool website!

11:11 PM