Thursday, October 30, 2008
pw op rehearsals today from 9-5. omg like a desk job. 8 hours! haha but it was quite a productive session la.
i feel like a stalker today, felt like one too yesterday. o and i feel like im watched -.-"
8:40 PM
I can wait forever.,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Save you- Simple Plan
Ordinarily, i would have found this song the nicest.
I Can Wait Forever- Simple Plan
But these days aren't ordinary days.
hence this is my favourite song of the moment. it says a million things i want to say.
(p.s i especially like the melody of the beginning verses.)
but i can wait, i can wait forever.
12:33 AM
concerned friends,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
thanks concerned friends. i know it's a trying period but we'll pull through right.
the visit to wba again was yet another fruitful trip. Seriously everytime i go there i feel damn happy. compared to their optimism and positive outlook to life, i really shouldn't be complaining.
my problem is still very real though. but we'll survive.
10:53 PM
no excuses. i'm insensitive, immature and retarded.
sometimes what i say really doesn't go through my head, only to have to regret it later.
yes i'll lose more tings if i continue like this. thanks for reminding.
no excuses. i'm insensitive, immature and retarded.
sometimes what i say really doesn't go through my head, only to have to regret it later.
yes i'll lose more tings if i continue like this. thanks for reminding.
12:45 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
i guess it the feeling of disappointment that really sets people back.
no more "lahs" "mehs" or whatever uncouth colloquialism.
whine, cringe, groan, moan. you detest it.
i acted like a kid today, immature, and laid on the floor doing nothing, sorry for all the inconveniences caused.
and at home i eloped to the world of WoW to escape this horrible reality.
11:18 PM
fruitful interesting day,
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
for the purpose of our pw, we went down to some place to have a game of wheelchair basketball with the abled/disabled.
i'll let the pics do the talking.
honestly, this trip was very fulfilling as we got to interact with not only the able-bodied, but also the disabled. as well as to get a taste of what inconviences they face. there were also heart-wrenching stories, amongst other informative nuggets we picked up. the happiness that resulted from this altruism is undescribable and should be sth interact should strive for (much more fulfilling than tutoring at bhs imo).
this trip had been, as zb had put it aptly "a huge leap forward for our project"
p.s jay album is out!
p.s p.s happy dreams result in endorphins that swim around your body (:
this trip had been, as zb had put it aptly "a huge leap forward for our project"
p.s jay album is out!
p.s p.s happy dreams result in endorphins that swim around your body (:
10:26 PM
don't cry fowl.,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
is currently reading

in a book full of typical colfer/artemis fashion sarcasm, my favorite line is surprisingly/unsurprisingly
"What if I'm stuck like this? That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"
The question hung in the air between them. A question heavy with insecurity and hope.
okay make that lines.
"What if I'm stuck like this? That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"
The question hung in the air between them. A question heavy with insecurity and hope.
okay make that lines.
8:56 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
when 1 other person knows a secret, it's no longer a secret.
when 2 people know the secret, it's an open secret.
when 3 people know a secret, the whole world knows already.
today was spent watching burn after reading (which according to some internet sites its a dark spy comedy.) whataloadofbs. 5 minutes into the show i was already smacking my forehead wondering what i was doing in the threatre watching this "intelligent" unintelligent profanity-strewn movie. the no. of f roughly appears in 1 of every 2 sentences. that and its accompanying wonderful ways to use shit including "shitstorm".
its really foreheadsmacking why george clooney and brad pitt even chose to act in this kinda movie. 60 minutes into the show i was already constantly checking my watch and wishing for the movie to end. the plot is simple yet random, beginning when a guy loses his job, before spiralling into a complicated web of cheating spouses (of which main characters are AT LEAST 40 years and above) , internet dating prowlers and ending with a hilarious scene of some enraged guy chopping some random innocent guy -.-" prompting the other boys to laugh like they owned the theatre. thnx joshua for such an excellent recomendation!
having wasted 2 hours, we proceeded to utilise our next 2 hours in an extremely fulfilling session of teaching a p4 kid to complete his cloze psg (when he cant even read the word "what"). and getting pwned at monopoly by another p5 kid. sometimes i don't know why is it so difficult to carry out this task.
and so ends a wonderful monday. (managed to sort files in my com too yay)
why are we like masked masqueraders? pretending not to know what we know ._.
10:14 PM
bu neng shuo de mi mi,
Friday, October 10, 2008
this song is nice. heard it on radio during the many hours aboard the wakeboard speedboat under the blazing sun while getting toasted to a crisp lobster.
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
11:42 PM
hello. good news and careful considerations.,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
hello again. im back finally, to satisfy your hunger for my posts.
post-promos days are overrated in the sense that they are the things you look forward to pre-promos but lose their appeal quickly when you get to them.
in the short span of 1 week+ or so post promos i have indulged myself in...

completing an ultra-cool psp game, a title from my favourite ang moh cartoon at the moment, ben 10. (lol) ok start laughing now at my kiddyness. there's a kid in everyone right, mine just happens to like a boy who can transform into 10 aliens, (how cool is that?)
i have always indulged in playing superhero games, especially spidey. i mean its dam cool to be able to sling from building to building, unrestrained in a concrete jungle (unlike barbaric tarzan who is limited to only weak tree vines in hot humid lame jungles.)
my latest obsession is ...

i have always indulged in playing superhero games, especially spidey. i mean its dam cool to be able to sling from building to building, unrestrained in a concrete jungle (unlike barbaric tarzan who is limited to only weak tree vines in hot humid lame jungles.)
my latest obsession is ...

also a superhero variant, i mean what can be more zomg than wielding 1 light saber? ok, wielding 2 is cooler but yeah. you get the idea. and whats more you get to choose the colour of your saber ._. ok that's besides the point, apart from playing some illegitimate sneaky disciple of vader, you also get to use both sides of the force, ie force lightning and zomg sith moves!!!
ok enough geek talk, as exciting as it seems, i don't really spend much time on my games cause seomthing bigger is attracting me and that is...

ok enough geek talk, as exciting as it seems, i don't really spend much time on my games cause seomthing bigger is attracting me and that is...

ok la, i know its a pretty old book, but im just slowly regaining my love for books mah. havent been reading a real story book since deathly hallows, sophie's world doesnt count cause i nvr got round to finishing it (yes i know that's dam long ago) but this stuff is a real page turner. especially when its laced with sacarsm coupled with lol one liners. (no, we are chocolate faries!) after this its gonna be time paradox then maybe the twilight series. ( so i can spoil ppl when the movie comes along lol)
other than that school is keeping us real busy what with open house (2 ccas), pw zomg. and getting toasted like a red lobster during wakeboarding sabbat.
1/1666666666 chance. your presence makes one feel like an impregenated rape victim, constantly reminded of the ghost of one's sin. except in this context im more of the perpetrator than the victim. it's like an eternal winter, an everlasting funeral that marches around the heart. (woah quote crucible you mo shui me (: lol )

wakeboarding should be renamed speedboat riding cause most of the time is spent on the boat with wind between your hair swooshing across choppy waves. my instructor has this cigarrette obsession which indicates his frustration. "you don't want to smell the smoke, then don't make me angry". the first day totaled to 5 and the second day only 3 (of which i think im responsible for 2 lol ). like everything, the initial part is the hardest and that is learning how to stand and remain upright. once you get that right, then you are in the zone and its a dam shaung feeling really.
o and grats on sengky and prof ho on being able to do it one handed. didn't take photos though, so that was googled not me lol.
goodnews at goodnews cafe involves careful considerations and is messing with my head. that and your xP expression.
it's obvious right.
other than that school is keeping us real busy what with open house (2 ccas), pw zomg. and getting toasted like a red lobster during wakeboarding sabbat.
1/1666666666 chance. your presence makes one feel like an impregenated rape victim, constantly reminded of the ghost of one's sin. except in this context im more of the perpetrator than the victim. it's like an eternal winter, an everlasting funeral that marches around the heart. (woah quote crucible you mo shui me (: lol )

wakeboarding should be renamed speedboat riding cause most of the time is spent on the boat with wind between your hair swooshing across choppy waves. my instructor has this cigarrette obsession which indicates his frustration. "you don't want to smell the smoke, then don't make me angry". the first day totaled to 5 and the second day only 3 (of which i think im responsible for 2 lol ). like everything, the initial part is the hardest and that is learning how to stand and remain upright. once you get that right, then you are in the zone and its a dam shaung feeling really.
o and grats on sengky and prof ho on being able to do it one handed. didn't take photos though, so that was googled not me lol.
goodnews at goodnews cafe involves careful considerations and is messing with my head. that and your xP expression.
it's obvious right.
10:07 PM