Monday, November 24, 2008
the weekend was just plain-exciting/ smashing awesome, what with saturday filled with CT's wedding + "class crystal jade lunch" (pics later)
and sunday with the annual (?) ANIFEST!!! (FIRST TIME IN SG??!!) and as usual, pictures say a thousand words, i'll let the pics do the talking. NOTE: This is part one of more posts to come (as soon as i get pics from jiawen and oon from the various events!)
waiting outside the exhibition hall was pure toture as i watched the crowd starting to stream in. the best way to put it was like i was a child on christmas eve who could not wait for christmas to come so i could rip open that package!
finally having waited 30 minutes i could not stand it and decided to buy the ticket myself and have a look around.
and MY GOD. the first thing that struck me was the bandai booth which had gundams and ben10 toys. and beside it was what made my eyes water.

you get the similarity right?
random gundam pics below
award winning exhibits
next up was some figurines exhibit.
ben10 fetish lawl lawl lawl. ( i think i might be over it though)
cosplay pics up next!
he has sharingan contacts btw, and so does the hidan which has some slitted eyes thingum. damn cool. i definately MUST GET the ANBU MASK the next time i go jap or sth. omg.
okay that's all for updates today. imba hot dates the past week. hawt dates this week. and even HAWTER DATE/S NEXT WEEK. (:
we had our talk and i like honesty. everything is built on honesty.

9:04 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
this is most certainly my FAV jay video EVER.
the lyrics are very beautiful and thought-provoking.
p.s the guitar pwns leehom's bahamut anytime lol. so CUTE! comel!

Lets101 - Free Online Dating
got it from sengky who got it from someone.
guess you can't deny it.
random line from lost, just thought it was funny:
'That thing in the woods, maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed off giraffe, I don't know...' - Hurley
11:05 PM
Love is always a hurricane,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Warning: Do not read if you don't want your OP to be spoilt.

and with that, i've caught up with the OP series. yep, all 522 chapters in less than a week!
haha this is the last page of the latest chapter which is titled: The Fatal Disease. which turned out to be lovesickness haha so funny.
Love is always a hurricane reminds me of a song which 徐若瑄 wrote for 周杰伦。 《龙卷风》
the chorus quite catchy though
undecided on which manga to embark on next.
6:37 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
it's the feeling of being at a loss. the chilling feeling of coldness and helplessness. i think it's a feeling that everyone had experienced at some point of their lives.
some people have been abandoned by others. some people abandon themselves. i've been abandoned. i'm think abandonment was probably one of the reason that's keeping one away.
what matters is that you look around and realize that there are still people who are waiting and caring.
abandonment is a strong theme in LOST. call me slow but im quite addicted to it now, the storyline is amazing and the story telling is superb weaving it out slowly with timely flashbacks that ties in with the present. character devleopment is also very strong with many different unique people, all with a story to tell.
this was what differentiated LOST from the rest of US serials but i heard it was a characteristic lost (pun lol) in later seasons.
i guess i'll have to watch to find out.
5:49 PM
nico robin,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
in the midst of wowing op-ing and lost-ing,
i had to take out some time to post this pic here.

hopes, dreams, friendship, comedy this story has it all. even romance lol!
i can't really put words into it but robin's story is really the saddest of all. (its quite incredulous at times but still its the most heart-wrenching)
haha you'd prolly laugh it off as some cartoon thingy but i think the author is very skillful in his story telling. the method is quite similar to lost where they keep flashing back into characters' past and from there you get a greater insight of their stories and why they are like that.
it's nice really.
4:52 PM
it never gets old.,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
recently, i got hooked on to op again.
i posted this damn long ago, when kj intro-ed it to me hahaah, it's dam funny/ bs-ish at the same time omg.
yep. it never gets old. im currently at the skypeia arc which means i have overtaken my anime progress and don't think i will go back to the anime ever.
the manga is as good if not better than the anime, with all the impt scenes captured in each panel. the thing that differentiates the manga from the anime is that unlike moving objects, while the downside is that the fights get less interesting (but in motion some of them get real boring quickly anyways + most of the anime contain incessant chatter and filler) the upside is that there are funny subtle messages that the author hides in his panels, and it is up to the reader to discover it himself and LOL.
my fav character as of now is chopper omg haahha so CUTE and adorable. but zoro is not bad too lah if he weren't too extreme. ahha.

so kawaii la omg.
ok back to one piece-ing!
12:25 AM
friends and unique friend,
Friday, November 7, 2008

in anycase yesterday's class outing and AHHH was great, pics if i get them, didnt go "class stayover" today for some reason.
56 screened mingzhong (or mzzzdwan for short), obviously a very SWEET and PREDICTABLE outcome haha. but the ultimate ending was -.-" to the max.
this vid is hilarious but i should have posted it before results were out. haha mccain draw aggro.
in WoW terms i should be some aggro rogue or warrior or sth to draw more aggro haha.
on manga, spoiler if you dont wish to read. i think kakashi hasnt and shdnt die.
i think everybody agrees too (:
11:02 PM
for the dunnohowmany th time.,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
11:11 PM