our love is like a song but you won't sing along,
Monday, December 29, 2008
ev oui lyh nayt drec, oui ihtancdyht [Al Bhed]. drah ed fuimth'd syddan ev e pmylgat uid dra funtc, luc oui yna ehdahd du veht uid fryd es fyhd du cyo yhofyoc.
i can't explain why this is currently my favorite song.
have been listening to 2 very different artists lately. first, Take That. which, to be honest, isnt really my usual taste. it's more... rhea-ish. (lol.)
believe me, this isn't really one of the greatest day of my life. but anyways, first heard this song somewhere in some random shop at one of genting's shopping centre, have been hunting for it ever since. their latest album is in my psp now. they have some awesome songs inside there will kewl lyrics and kewl music. will intro some other songs some other time. but this song is really great (you'd prolly heard it in some ad on tv sometime ago)
the second artist is more of my usual taste. Demi Lovato, angsty teen bubblegum pop. most of the lyrics are written by her so its very teeny. and somehow her songs speak volumes and can connect with the majority of the youths out there, ie me.
she actually makes me want to watch camp rock the next time its on disney channel. and of course, her entire album is on my psp too (:
But somewhere we went wrong We were once so strong Our love is like a song You can't forget it
the part where she sings these lyrics is really good! the tune is like some hook or something and her whiny sobbish voice is like... hook-ish also. =x
ajano uhla eh y frema, e'mm ryja draca byhel yddylg. dryd maytc du sa xiacdeuhehk socamv: fru ys e gettehk dryd e tuh'd lyna/ mea du socamv du bnadaht hud du lyna? ruf muhk lyh e luhdehia du sycxianyta yht reta pareht drec vylyta.
anws my christmas hols have been filled with outings and outings whatwith twilight yesman and random shopping escapades, just got back from a mini gathering bbq. my hw is still left undone.
oh i promised nice pics from EOY cosfest but oon's evident distaste for naruto is quite obvious.

i finally got round to doing this quizzy thingum. like sengky i got tagged by 2 ppl at the same time. and i was lucky enough to be no.4 on everybody's minds.
and so the million dollar question is: What is my favourite colour?
for the record, red and black's fine but i don't really have a fav colour. come to think about it, i don't really have any fav colour. but i guess i've recently been a sucker for this kahki-ish/grey/ whatever is dull looking colour t-shirts. must have been heavily influenced by charlie xD (dam sad he's dead. z.) haven't really bought any nice ones yet though.
omg im LOOKING FOR THIS SHIRT>> (see jh my tree shirt lol/ apparently its tolkien's white tree of Gondor or sth. so its not some ordinary tree you see outside your hdb house at bktbatok. rofl) actually, i think i'll wear anything charlie wears. woo~.

1.Who is the person who tagged you?
pohting/ sengky
2.The relationship between you and her/him?
goodfriends/ ccamate/classmate/ gaming mate/ tuh'd drehg drana ec yho funt eh dra teldeuhyno dryd vedc dra taclnebdeuh.
3.Your 5 impressions of her/him?
fugly fringe. just to irritate certain people. (but i don't think so lah really, it's a matter of getting used to). both smart. braces (lol coincidentally for both)/ lazy to think of any other smart comment/ common characteristic, it's 1.25 am in the morning now.
4.If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
cry everyday. lol? i'll lose a good friend(s). hopefully it doesn't happen =x
5.What will you say to the person whom you like very much?
there'd prolly be a million and one things i want to say.
6.The characteristic(s) you love about yourself is… ?
ehhh... don't know. little self-love lol =x not narcisstic contrary to popular believe.
7.The characteristic(s) you hate about yourself is… ?
many. like my vertical challenge and straight talking sometimes which leaves me with much to regret and much to be desired.
8.For the person whom you hate the most, you say…?
fugoff/ bugger off/ gtfawfm. or sth to the same effect ><
9.What do people feel about you?
i'd like to find out too. i think i feel like a twilight movie. with some ppl that like me and some who hate me. lol. but i guess that's the same with everybody.
10.Who do you have a crush on?
... how many people actually answer this question?
11.The most ideal person you want to be is… ?
there are many people i look up to, but i don't know if i want to be anybody.
12.Pass on this quiz to 5 people : (without looking at the questions below!)
1. quek
2. jiahan
3. pearlyn
5. eldwin
(DISCLAIMER: i magically thought of this list totally without altering any order and mostly from blog referrals. i swear.)
13.If no.2 & no.3 were together, what will happen?
lol? same colour. =x prolly dunno each other though.
14.Who does no.5 like?
heheh. shadowfiend. =x. i think.
15.What colour does no.1 like?
black. (guess with confidence)
16.Say something about no.3.
always ready to lend a helping hand. (to me =x although most of the time end up pissing her off =x)
17.Who is no.2?
jh. who does not belive i can find my TREE SHIRT.
18.Talk about no.5.
whats the diff between this and qns 17 and the qns below? lol? just about diff ppl? in aussie now. has been there since dunno when and dunno when he is coming back. wished me merry xmas inspite of his laggy connection. lol.
19.Who is no.1?
quek. great friend. fiona, an old name i have not used for a loooooong time, rofl.
20.Who is the sexiest person amongst them?
if quek were fiona, then he would be it. lawl.
21.What colour does no.4 like?
don't know =x clever guess white?
22.Is no.4 single?
23.What is your relationship with no.1?
ref qn 19.
24. Are no.1 & no.3 best friends?
not really but friends yes.
25.What is no.5’s surname?
26.What is no.1’s nickname?
fiona? rofl! or just quek bah.
27.What things do you wish to say to no.3?
thanks for everything!
28.What will you do to help no.5?
whatever i can?
29.Who does no.1 admire?
many people? i don't know/ don't know what admire refers to.
30.Where does no.1 live?
haha bkttimah. hv.
31.Does the 5 of them know who you like?
32.What do you wish to say when you see no.2?
i'll find my tree shirt. or you can buy/custom print for me (:
12:34 AM
life of an otaku,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i haven't been watching anime lately, but in my occasional bouts of boredom and random surfing around the net i decided to go check out dattebayo's web and found out that they were not going to sub naruto anymore. that is like... a joke.
but it isn't. as it is with all cruelties in life. that even a fansub group who is named after a catchphrase in a show, is forced after dunnohowmanycrappyeps of naruto to finally stop subbing the very show it orginated from.
i got to admit the goodbye speech was quite well-written. if you have got the time / interested head on here to read --->http://dattebayo.com/pr/100
i guess we all have to come to terms that not everyone in the world can be winners and sometimes we got to lose. but that doesn't mean you should just remain a loser forever.
which is why i think this song's nicest lyrics is this.
We may not be tough enough to live on truth alone,but you know, we dont need to be.
ok this all doesn't make sense haha.
i should seriously make my holidays more well-spent with my parents constantly breathing down my neck at telling me to work / go tuition and not waste my time reading manga and gaming away.
to date since hols i have accomplished/conquered the following mangas(in chronological order):
One Piece
Shaman King
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Yu Gi Oh GX
omg lah. =x (oh and i'm watching LOST at the same time.)
We may not be tough enough to live on truth alone,
But you know, we dont need to be.
edit: omg here's another nice song. somehow it feels like some taiwanese taike song ahahha.
this one has to be in simply for pure sasuke ownage
melody not too bad
gives me the katekyo vibes
10:17 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008

compared to recent bleach and naruto mangas reborn is major kickass stuff! this pic doesnt have my fav chrome though =x
6:27 PM
mope and whine,
i think im entitled at least 1 last blog post to mope and whine just this once right?
i think im entitled at least 1 last blog post to mope and whine just this once right?
2:01 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
何时该前进 何时该放弃
超过了友情 还不到爱情
我很不服气 也开始怀疑
何时该前进 何时该放弃
何时该前进 何时该放弃
11:41 PM