back (again). lol.,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lol@ at title. It's been a long while since I've posted, not sure who still checks here anymore. Many things have concluded before this point of time with many making reflections and all.
It's close to 2 a.m I don't know why I'm still online, I can't get to sleep but I don't really feel like making a "reflections post". Theres a sleepover tomorrow ( I think?) which means I'll be (would have slept?) sleeping later than 2 / 3 am consecutively for 3 days. woo.
Update when I get the mood.
p.s I watched Angels and Demons with my family today. It was good. (>>> looking for people to watch movies with)
I realized this post was very incoherent and very gramatically wrong. heck anyways. the only reflections i'd make is this!!!
has no idea why konan is giving naruto flowers. but i still think the origami stuff is very very cool!!! + sas-k and kakashi are back!!! (ok i know im a bit lag hahaah)I also think the line is also very cool!!!

for you; these are the flowers of hope that never die.
1:47 AM