the way you make me feel,
Thursday, December 31, 2009
last post of the year. watched micheal jackson's This Is It today (finally).
my fave song, probably cos it resonated with me the most today.
quite epic his movie. for a documentary that is. quite sad that such a talent is lost. from the clips, (call it propaganda) but really, you see a man, dedicated (to the utmost) to his music. every pitch, every prop, every action. he had a say in it and he made sure that everything went the way he had envisioned. quite disappointed that there wasnt the extremely over-sang You Are Not Alone though. But I'm an MJ fan after this definitely not just for the dance but for his dedication and his love for earth.
On another note, I must write this down, before I forget. On the last day of the year, I was molested by a ******* ***** constn wker. DAMMIT. Lets call him FCW. FCW was GRINDING ME FROM THE BACK. rewind to the start. boarded a crowded train with my family after dinner. was surround by dirty people after work. suddenly i felt an uncomfortable (too close for comfort) sensation on my behind. Then I could sense the FCW's breathing. Luckily, my wallet was in my ass pocket so i put my hand there to protected myself. Sensing that his ploy had been discovered he swicthed target to a younglam beside me. (MALE). I had my suspicions on this FWC alr, so i stared at him.
And of course, I was correct, he was standing in an awakward manner front facing the poor victim's behind, pelvic thrusted forward. EFF. At this point I was already disgusted ttm. Then the FCW started staring at HIMSELF DOWNTHERE. MY GAWD. I WAS GLARING AT HIM at this point and he prolly saw my burning glare that could have bore through his sick skull so he alighted at the next stop.
Listen this is the part that confirmed my suspicions, he walked out of the MRT, looked around at the platform and DID not go down the escalator but instead took out his hp and started fiddling with it. wadtheeffman. dammit.
Now I know how some girls feel sometimes and how very vulnerable people are in a sardine crammed train. This was not my first encounter with sexual predators and thankfully I was not violated in anyway lol. WTH man, all males somemore. Dam sick. But thats another story for another time.
ZZZ i want to forget the memory.
yep thats it. So ends 2009. Me staying holed up at home not going anywhere cos gotto go cousin's house the next day cannot afford to be a zombie tml. yep.
Happy 2010.
9:33 PM
do you think people change?,
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
title was a line that struck me when i watched 2012 today. (yes it's a lil late i know)
but man, 2012 is a real tear jerker. sucks to those critiques who lambasted 2012. how can anyone not like the movie? to me, its even more epic than avatar. and thats not even considering the fact that adam lambert sang the closing song, which by now, earned him quite some rep.
yes, im admitting that i actually teared abit (fine, im emotional okay)while watching 2012. the theme is clear. like all roland emerich films about disaster striking earth once more. but one thing that set it apart from day after tomorrow was the theme of humanity. from the scientist impassioned speech to the deaths of all the countless people, esp that of the main/ supporting actors, those were the scenes that touched me the most.
under these stars, we share the same sky. we are but sons and daughters of this earth, brothers and sisters. must we wait till the end of the world till we profess our love to the ones we cared about the most? to the father who has not spoken to his son in decades, down to the separated couple who finally saw that they were made for each other, they were the ones who learnt from this painful lesson, albeit some a bit too late. its quite thought provoking really, like say you know the world was gonna end, what would you do if you knew you would be saved but your loved ones would not. or what would you do if you know youre doomed. it's all about making peace with yourself, and living each day up. to the fullest. and to have no regrets.
im in a slightly edgy mood today. aside from the negativity. but man i hate life's horoscope. cos its always darn accurate in a way, the annoyingly endearing kind of way. it said that i was to meet a internal conflict. and yes i sure did. we'll see if i resolved it myself by seeing how tonight plays out.
visited charles today and played some fps xferred some stuff today. clementi sure changed alot.
when all I know is trapped inside your eyes
9:14 PM
and you might think im bulletpoof but im not.,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
im in a bloody, nasty, effing mood now. and its not even mostly because of my screwed com.
i woke up this morning, turned on my lovely com as usual. But to my utmost upset (and surprise) a msg reading : cpu fan damaged, auto shutdowwn in a few secs to prevent dmg to com. GG. im comless.
then how am i blogging this, you may ask. lol im actually using this quaint pink netbook which belongs to my aunt. which means no wc3 or dota or anything liddat. purely for utubing fbing and msning.
on a relatively more important note. i feel $%&&**(
it might not be noticeable. but i really am. very much so.
warning, if youre feeling particularly blue and do not wish to be affected by the following contents, please exit blog RIGHT NOW. cos this is emo to the max.
actually, i hate emo posts. i used to think, rants and emo posts only shows how weak the person is. but then, thats what i am now. weak. and wallowing in self-pity. dunno lah, though prolly untrue but i feel like a rabbit trapped in this concrete jungle now. totally ill-equipped to face this terrain's complexities with its intricacies and complicated foodweb and relationships. everywhere, is a hungry lion, or a better rabbit, better than me. no friends or anything like a helpful ally. have to watch my back everywhere.
it's been almost 2 years already. and im still here. trapped in the jungle with no progess. and even lesser belief than before. they say once bitten twice shy. literal translation (sg version) , one time kenna bitten by snake, 10 yrs scared of rope. if you're thinking about something that happened years ago. you're on the wrong track.
it's almost end of the year already, and i most certainly don't want to end it with regrets. but my greatest enemy is myself. or so i think.
as kee-en pet phrase goes: sucks to be you. deal with it.
yes. im listening to chinese songs now. that means im really upset.
從那懵懵懂懂 走進各自天空
該怎麼說 讓彼此選擇
10:13 PM
All I want for Christmas is...,
Friday, December 25, 2009
All I want for Chrismas is...
Sang By Mariah Carey. Featuring Adam Lambert
It was a rising song on youtube, I thought it was a new release in time for Xmas or sth. But when i saw her MV, it was her pre-plastic days so I guess it was done a pretty long time ago.
You may find it hard to believe but nope, Adam Lambert only takes #2 on my list. Yes, there's actually someone I value more than Adam. (:
And for the rest of the homophobes, no, my list does not only consist of males. Haha I should do up a proper one one of these days.
Anyways, speaking of lists, I was trawling through the net when I chanced upon Time's TOP TEN LIST. So i snooped around abit and realized that Gaga's fame monster takes no.10 spot at top 10 albums of the year. and YES, LAMBERT's MAD WORLD is also no.10 on top 10 songs. Way to go guys.
That's about all for this post. Merry Xmas everybody!
1:24 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
我要赢, 不能输.
Speechless- Lady Gaga.
Yes, I'm a gaga fan. Had wanted to post this up long long ago. Haha, my fave song of her latest album. Story's about her father going for some operation. It's a ballad, so it's a change from her pop disco techno ditties.
p.s I totally love the hanging on the air playing piano thingy. Damn cool please.
Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?
I'll never talk again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless
Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?
I'll never talk again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless
10:42 PM
Cause I'm just one of those ghosts.,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Killing spree with ee at converse warehouse sale today. Here's an excerpt of some of our funny convos (dun get offended ee xD )
ring ring* meeting up*
Me: Hello, wait a while I'm in the toilet.
Ee: WTS? I can hear you? I'm in the toilet too.
Me: Lol *opens door WTS?*
Ee: Eh shit i dunno her size.
Me: Call her lah.
Ee: Cannot, cfm sleeping de. Sure sleep till 12. Aiya heck lah call.
Ee on the phone: Hello? Can i speak to ___ (surname, i presume its nickname, like eg, Lee) pls.
Someone's mum: ???
Someone's mum: ???
Ee: O shit can I speak to _____ full name ____?
Me: Lol.
Ee:Crap la no measuring tape cannot measure size.
Me: Use handphone lor (lol i know its a stupid idea)
Ee talks to phone: Eh, your father same model as mine right, the shoe is about 2.5 size of my hp.
Me: Lol.
Ee on the phone: Its about 20 bucks you know...
Me: WTS, just buy for her lah...
Ee: Ok lah wts I pay lah peer pressure.
Me: Lol.
Ok, maybe when taken out of context not that funny. But we were a bunch of clowns. Marooned in a forest of industrial buildings, got there finally after asking several security guards most of whom simply seemed like they arbitrarily pointed to a general direction and gruffed "walk there can find already". To top it all off, every building on the way there "looked familiar" to ee who had been there last yr. lol.
So finally we made it. The sale was supposed to start at 10. We met at 9, yes cry kiasu please, by the time we got there, around 9.45. Round the corner, we thought the people streaming in were just workers coming to set up the store. Entering the tentage, we were WRONG. There were already THRONGS of MUCH MORE KIASU SINGAPOREANS and other nationalities alike swarming and grabbing the shoes. Must mention there were these terribly inconsiderate (shalt not mention nationality for fear of flaming) b****, armed with her monster male, GRABBING ALL THE NICE LOOKING 10 BUCKS converse shoes. My heart bled. We thought the carton boxes on the floor were on display for selection. We were wrong. They belonged to those 2 fools.
Yes, you heard me right. They had MORE THAN 4 CARTON BOXES worth of 10 BUCKS SHOES. prolly greedy freaks koping all the nice designs to resell on ebay or their pirate shop or sth. DEPRIVED US. SHE didnt care about the sizes and grabbed everything.
Fyi, 10 dollar shoes were those that did not come with boxes, most of them had been display or sample items in their heydays and now relegated to trolleys. So you not only had to search through piles of (now ugly no thnx to ulgy ppl) and rarely nice shoes, you also had to made sure they were of the same size. So it was a matter of destiny. You dont choose the shoes, they choose you! (Lol sounds like avatar choosing the birdie thingy).
So we were in a frenetic race with the woman, grabbing shoes that seemed our size before she left us with nothing but loud pink and neon green or dirty with dust shoes.
Thankfully, some gems were uncovered and hot as we were, with sweat sticking to our backs, we were largely very very satisfied with our finds (:
It was a good thing we came early after all. So my spoils were: 2 sneakers 1 loafers and 1 slippers. Under 50 bucks (: muhahahha. We came to this conclusion that people with converses and everlasts are not that rich afterall must have all came from here hahahha. O and ironically, the converses didnt catch my eye, nor my pocket, so i ended up with everlasts for spoils.
Recently, I've been watching lotsa movies and manga reading. Shall post a list here sometime when Im free. Today was Alvin and the Chipmunks 1. (not 2) Oman, throughout the whole show I had a huge smile planted on my face. It was definitely a feel-good movie, dunno why I did't watch it last time. Must watch the squeakal. (ALL THE SINGLE LADIES, IF YOU LIKE IT PUT A RING ON IT - hahah so cute I used to find it darn annoying)
Oh, and I just got reconnected to paramore again.
I particularly like this song from their latest outing.
Misguided Ghosts ( I like the guitar strumming!)
Cause I'm just one of those ghosts
Travelling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
Well now I'm told that this life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Someone care to classify,
A broken heart and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
Travelling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
Well now I'm told that this life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Someone care to classify,
A broken heart and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
8:10 PM
Hai Pai,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Have lots of other stuff to blog about but will keep for another day cos its kinda late.
11:30 PM
from the familiar window, we've learnt from the mornings and evenings; the light of the fireflies,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
If you're wondering what the title means, I don't really know either! Haha, got it from a line in Zatchbell. After dunno how many months, I finally got round to finishing it, the ending was awesome. But the middle-late parts certainly had room for improvement. Overall, the departure touched me lah. Im easily touched you see.
Speaking of touching, yesterday was a day of self-touching with a bunch of boys at ee's house. Whatyouthinking? think self-touching in chinese not the literal meaning. Haha, ironically, I didnt manage to self-touch at all. Won a few rounds but was the one who lost the most money, ouch ouch. Haha cant be helped, take it as lesson fees to improve my mahjong skills. (wipe that dirty thought off your minds.)
Having finished a manga, you know you'd get this weird feeling where you lost something dear to you, especially after you've read a really great book. Okay admittedly zatchbell isn't that great, but i still mourn the lost. So i didnt really want to start on a manga so soon. Diablo and Hai Pai hasnt been touched for many days. Spent like 1 hour+ looking/stalking through photos of old friends and realized how much we've changed. Then I looked at myself and thought if this was really what I'm gonna be? Am i gonna stay like that? Don't know what the future holds.
And are you going to just stay elusive. Like an unreachable goal. Hardtoget.
Okay, going out soon to settlers cafe. Update soon.
12:29 PM
wear myself on my sleeve. wearing my heart on my sleeve; for the world to see.,
Friday, December 11, 2009
It was november or october since i last posted. This is the mandatory wowitsbeensolongsinceivelastupdated. iwonderwhostillcomesbytovisit? paragraph.
Somehow I found myself infront of this dashboard after blogsurfing around. There isn't much to say really, A lvls ended quite some time ago, prom ended quite sometime ago. Im currently sick at home, possibly cos of the numerous late nights up I've been spending of late. Its funny how you planned to do a million and one things when your freedom is limited, and now that you've regained your wings again, all you'd wanna do is one ting.
Which you'd haven't got round to doing, but still doing lotsa random stuff of late. My time now is spent alternating between Diablo (lol i know its lame and old but I need to know the story), fb-ing, manga reading; still on gashbell want to start on dgray and fairytail soon and msning. Oh and i forgot, been watching youtube hai pai tian xin as well hahahah.
As aforementioned, the sick boy couldn't join his class outing at ECP today, and instead decided to follow his sis to bugis, where she went for her tuition and he went to zhng his psp. to update uhhh himself. As it turns out, piracy is a dying trade, ever since jack sparrow pwned kraken (a few years ago), there has been not much word around ever since. pondered b/w xbox360 and ps3; apparently the xbox is not as great as it seems as i've gathered that the motherboard or sth starts to overheat and screw up after 8mths of usage after you've uhhh done sth to it. but being the poor boy i am, there's no way in the near future i can smell the next gen console at home (not that i'll be able to utilize it fully anyways). ahhh it sucks to be poor eh.
you'd speak of poor timing, yet all i can do is think about how it would be, if it were different, all the time.
oh and did i mention that i bought adam lambert's album? (thats prolly a given but w/e)
haha his AMA controversy seemed to have died down, overshadowed by the Tiger and "Friends" story. Just sitting back and enjoying his ever earnest and endearing interviews as well as mindblowing performances on the various american talkshows. Heard he's on Conan O Brien tonight or sth; not that readers who read likely read this would know anything about it anyways.
whataya want from me?
8:06 PM