we all have our own pollution.,
Friday, January 29, 2010
every once in a while my resolution wavers and i relapse into a past i want to avoid and forget. it's something difficult and i dunno how it will play out.
anyway, facebook is really a horrible tool that saps your energy and turns you into a stalker. i hate it. it's a love-hate bittersweet relationship actually.
so anyways i was walking down the memory lane and noticed that my hair grew shorter and shorter as days pass.
and don't complain/ comment on iPad if you don't know anything/non apple fan/ dun even intend to get it. im sick of it.
o yah, today's the birthday of a friend of mine. also happens to be LAMBERT'S BDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
12:00 AM
she wants to go home.,
Monday, January 25, 2010
I ran for the first time in many days today.
But perhaps yesterday was way more eventful than today cos it had something to do with an article I read in the papers earlier last week by neil humphreys about how wonderful it is to be in singapore where one can ignore cries of pleas and rush past ignoring the weaker members of our society. (disclaimer this is not a xenophobic rant or anything just a mere observation)
Yesterday I saw for myself, 2 incidents that showed the ugly side of Singapore. No.1 was when we were aboard this crowded train. It was at Outram Interchange when as you know lotsa old folks boarded, and a 50+ year old man was guiding 2 old folks of about 70 yrs old at least to the centre of the carraige. Then like almost magically everyone's head slumped down and started to drift off to lala land. Damn epic seriously.
And most of them aren't even Singaporeans. Why are our people marginalized because we have wasted spaces on inconsiderate people like these is something I cannot fanthom. So anyway after about like 1/2 a stop later a woman's conscience started to prick her and she got up to give up her seat, seeing that the person beside her gave up her seat i guess the other woman had no choice but to give up her seat too.
That was episode 1.
Episode 2 was like less than 3 hours later, also on an MRT this time at Outram (OMG ALSO?) purple line, previously green. Somehow it was the peak season for our construction workers to go home in droves and so they decided to squeeze themselves into the train headed for punggol despite blaring announcements overhead declaring that the train was overcapacity and they had to wait for the next train. But did they relent? No, they pushed on like creeps in TD heading inside the train. as a result the train jammed in the station. for like almost 10 minutes apparently.
Cos i got onto the ooposite train headed for vivo then there wass this old lady narrating her horrible experience on how the same train apparently left the station minutes ago then started staling mid tunnel and stoned for a few minutes. everybody panicked cos there was not announcement or anything, and more whining about how lousy was the quality of service of the train providers ensued. then horrors of horrors the train started to gos stan and return back to outram ftw and that was when i reached the scene apparently so they definately have been stuck there for 10 minutes or so.
Tell me again, why is our rightful space so difficult for us to enjoy? please give more frequent trains
Definitely one of my favourite coverers on youtube totally love her voice and style. i like this version of tiktok waaaaaay more than the original. Found her through scouting for good paramore covers hahahaha
9:37 PM
Less than a month to go,
Friday, January 22, 2010
week 2 is a slight difference from week one cos people are no longer treating u nice like a newbie, but it's okay i guess.
wants to watch valentine's day with taylor swift being one of the many other reasons. her new song is #1 on us itunes currently, today was a fairytale. toobad evil youtube clamping down on uploaders so i'll just have to show it here another time when i find one. the full version dam hard to find.
anws something is happening to me and i hate it. why am i relapsing? make up your mind. and stop being so obstinate. both of you.
12:05 AM
Monday, January 18, 2010
11:13 PM
Day 8 of rjrl. Cause we are the guys with the crossbows,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Not sure who still reads this anymore. cos if you are still reading this, why aren't you heeding my call?
There's been a slew of vampire movies lately, what with epic Twilight, Cirqu Du freak and most recently, Daybreakers. I've come to this singular conclusion. Edward is the number one favourite name vampire mums and dads to-be want to name their kids. That said, daybreakers imo is abit of a commentary of sorts. quite subtle and not very tastefully done. The newspaper says its open to lotsa interpretation, the way i see it its all about commercialization and dogeatdog. gore aside and random flying bats, the ending quite unsatisfactory imo.
O yah, Lady Gaga Revenge is dam fun please, pwns tap tap 3 cos it plays songs i know how to sing to and not obscure indie songs ahahahha cmon tapulous be more generous to us mainstream fans thanks.
On vampires: You, yes you still owe me a twilight movie.
10:18 PM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
most people wont like this or sth but somehow or other it grows on you.
it's been fun these days. my department's full of great and friendly people its a really warm and familial environment. i think the most apt word i can use is fraternity. it's as some of them mentioned where it's more office like than army, less rank-pulling and totally lotsa $#%^ and niaoings. lmao.
show some concern cmon.
9:45 PM
I hate it when you really miss someone and they don't even think about you.,
Monday, January 11, 2010
another facebook group again.
although i may not show it, but i really do feel loved when people show they care be it an sms msn or whatever. so thanks alot for those friends who showed that they care. show some concern wont ya. im despo. haha. where is the love?
today was just a day of shi touing, dragging an extremely heavy bag, the kind that's light at first but seems to increase in weight with every cm you take, more waiting and filling application forms after forms.
ask me tomorrow cos im still not sure what exactly im doing yet.
on a sidenote i need to reach boonlay at like 7 almost everyday. means i need to sleep by 11 for effectual healthy living and theres weekly jogs omg. that means no late night dota, sacrificed for someting else.
cos sometings are just more impt that others.
8:27 PM
We talk to each other on the computer. But in public it's awkward. Lessons I learnt.,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Topic from some facebook group which strongly resonates with me.
So anyway, went ice-skating for the 3rd time of my life to an ice rink with some friends.
From the experience today, coupled with some experience from bishi bashi, i understood a few things about myself.
#1 Theory of FOF
There's this fear of falling that manifests in me having fell a certain number of times. This is the 1st time I realized this because the past few times I've been there, I'm not very sure/ rmb very clearly but I think i had a fear of falling even from the start. But now that uhhh Im older? lol, the fear doesnt manifest so early, somehow there's more of this daredevil spunk.
Yes yes cue laughter, I got exposed to ice skating even before I started rollerblading btw, and after one accident with blades, my father sold it off for a bike. end of story.
So anyway back to FOF, so anw, after a certain number of falls, you'll start to learn to fear the feeling of falling. its similar to a aby who has not been exposed to say, the pain of a needle or fire so the baby starts to poke around only to discover ouch its painful and the body automatically develops an adverse apprehension towards the perceived danger.
Quite true right? I'm starting to sound like linky nowadays.
#2 My learning methods.
Everyone is wired in different ways. I happen to be the kind that needs to practice doing something at least more than once to be sufficiently proficient at it. Unlike some other people who seem to have talent or at least average talent in doing something new, I more often than not do not perform up to par when encountering something new, it's like this with dota (heroes, like after playing once i will suddenly realize whats a better skill setup and items/ order) , and i realized it's like this with bishibashi too.
and oh, I'm colour blind.
11:02 PM
United State of Pop 2009,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Most people complain that youtube's recommended for you function is kinda of a letdown. but every once in a while a gem pops up here and there.
have you heard to this? its quite imba imo. take a while to listen if you have the time.
watching 2 vamp movies in a day kinda makes you a bit sick of vamps though they are still waaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than werewolves please.
10:34 PM
keeping it real.,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
the first post of the year.
over the past days i've been wanting to post stuff but been putting it off. until today, when i finally got the mood to come to my dashboard, i forgot what i wanted to blog about. hahahahah.
so anyway, been going out lots, just hanging around with people. cos after tml its just 7 days till my 9-5 life as a deskbound clerk(i think). at home, im just usually uhhh nowadways its alot of movies with my acquaintance with uhhh tpb(hohm) and star movies and hbo. today i caught resident evil 3 (finally)
haha my exposure to l4d and resident evil has made me quite a zombie fan lately. anw, must say 3 wasnt as good as the previous 2 cos it was quite draggy at first in terms of plots even though it boasts of superior graphics and all.
oh and i saw a second movie today. quite nice really. JUNO. yes i know im slow but really its a poignant tale. kinda got lotsa stuff underneath it all. but most importantly its all about keeping it real. i think ellen page is a really good actress though.
going off to class chalet for the next 2 days. yep.
not a youtube song this time but a youtube vid. esp funny if you watched both shows. better yet, if you're an entertainment junkie like ME, watch the entire series lol cos you'll get most/all their jokes. its totally LOL.
p.s major spoiler hurley somehow gets off the show in the most creative ways possible its dam hilarious.
10:13 PM