it's like a million little stars spelling out your name,
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Basically, its just Fearless + some other uber nice songs to chew on before she churns out more chart toppers.
And finally a nice cover with some artistic sense +++ It's not often that she takes nice photos haha.
I heard things I don't want to hear today, and I don't like hurtful things.
in theory and practically,
but in reality and in practice, it really is
because you're untouchable like a distant diamond sky
and because platonic is hard to do. (and yes i notice 11.11's acutely)
12:05 AM
For my own reference,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

5:12 PM
Decisions and Applications,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Attitude and aptitude.
Administrative work.
I think I need more time to spend with Lightning and Vanille.
And maybe a little time left for Ryu.
11:57 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes that means I have it, so friends you get the hint, like say band hero for christmas or birthday ahhahahahahahah. Lol then my house will be party everyday. :)))))))
Looking to expand my library though only got 1 game so far hahaha.
Anw quite a mournful day as Lacey Brown has just left A.I. Have to look for someone else to support. Possibly Didi at the moment.
11:22 PM
Lix's Playlist #1,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thought this could be something new, irregular feature instead of spamming videos after videos. It's actually what's HOT on my playlist at the moment. (Usually collated from various countdown lists)
So without further ADO NOT adieu,
Let's Just Fall In Love Again 3:30 Jason Castro
Never Gonna Be Alone 3:47 Nickelback
Cry Me Out 4:05 Pixie Lott
Gravity 3:36 Pixie Lott
We'll Be A Dream (Feat. Demi Lovato) 3:53 We The Kings
Gave It All Away 4:28 Boyzone
When I Look At You 4:11 Miley Cyrus
I Never Told You 3:55 Colbie Caillat
If you've been here long enough, you would know that songs hot at the moment are
generally a good indicator of what I'm feeling at the moment.
Well you can just sit in the corner and sulk.
Or you can move on.
My favourite song by the way.
12:17 AM
Is it enough to breathe?,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I didn't understand the meaning of that line until quite recently. (like urmmm 3 hours ago).
No, it isn't enough to just breathe, we need food, water, housing and perhaps the most important of all, LOVE.
There's familial love, whether it be parental love, sibling love. Then there's the platonic love. The concern friends have for each other. Camaraderie, fraternity, sorority. And of course, amorous love. Some say it's the most important of all. Most gratifying of all. Most painful of all. I don't know the answer to all that. But it is definitely the trickiest of all.
Went to nus openhouse (again) today, must say that the talk at the school was made by a most persuasive person. He should be, i guess, with years of experience and all. Kinda reminds me of tong, hahaha. The power to make people listen and be sold.
Oh and i saw xy haha. You know the weird feeling when you see someone familiar that you haven't seen in a long time. It's inexplicable, but it's great to meet up.
Ok back to the front, so then i decided to pop to orchad to get my ps3. Doesn't seem to add up to my intro right. Uhh heres the link. I realized somethings cannot be bought. Ok I knew that all along, but Im just using it as a useless bridge. Since the immaterial can't be obtained, I decided I'm better off wallowing in virtual reality and decided to plough time and effort with Lightning and friends. But alas, even with money, the $^%^&* was out of stock. ZzZ. So I weathered the rain, traversed across hordes of maids on sunday leave only to find myself, disappointed and grumpy.
As it is with all days.
I'm not sure why either, but lately I find little meaning in life. No this is not a suicidal message or anything. Just that I feel that there's a void, a gapping void. I'm just watching days go by, with little or no action. Maybe it's me, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's the nature of what I'm obliged to do, or maybe it's the lack of a goal (compared to previously, say, studying).
I think we should not hide behind walls. Though we still do.
If I said I was okay, then I'd be lying. But it would be unfair to blame myself, yourself, or anyone else. Many things happened, some things have changed but some things haven't. I'm just not sure what to do and where to go. But I'll keep my promises. Though there's still a need for somebody to save my life.
Is it enough to breathe?
7:49 PM
I'd rather be anyting but ordinary please.,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anyting but ordinary please
I never liked emo songs. Ok that's a blatant lie. I dislike emo songs because I like listening to them when I'm emo. And that happens alot. And I don't like being emo. So by logic, I should dislike these songs.
But why? Because they resonate with me. Not to mention the pleasing melody.
My favourite song at the moment. Definitely.
(When I first heard this live version, I didn't like it. But then I realized it gets better at the end. Maybe she's just tired. We all are.)
Somebody save my life.
12:11 AM
What do you want from me?,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
i should never have watched this vid. now it makes me want to shelve away plans for a new com in favour of ps3. zzz.
on a sidenote i learnt how to deeplink youtube vids! clearly, lightning and vanille are the main draws
acoustic version, no prizes for guuessing the common thing between the 2 vids. tear inducing, esp if you're feeling what he's trying to convey. his exasperation.
please don't give in, i won't let you down.
& i will never let you fall.
12:20 AM
Monday, March 8, 2010
and they are only obtainable via (buying the deluxe cd and hope you get the serial number that gives you the tix which makes it sorta like a lucky draw) OR call class 95 like mad dog when an adam song plays. the former choice isnt viable for me cos i already bought his NORMAL version so it doesnt make much sense to buy another one just to get an extra song. the latter, im trying, and just failed a couple of minutes ago.
camped for 2 hours for the song, got beat to it by some girl. phone lines engaged. i used 4 separate phones somemore. ARGHHHH i need to RANT. EXASPERATED.
please gimme tix plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls im desperate.
on a second note another unfair discrimination is the fact that the autograph session (1 hour long only ROFL epic im sure its enough) signs only for the deluxe version. wtf is this man.
whatever i just need the tix.
6:31 PM
Saturday, March 6, 2010
thanks to all the tutors, tuition teachers friends and family for everything that led up to this day!
on another note, you know this facebook group thats been raging around recently, the one that goes, a msg from ____ lits up my face instantly? im gonna be a fan soon.
on a last note, its american idol season again.
i like lacey brown > casey james purely cos shes got the twang and the vampish look that i love. haha say all you want naysayers but my lacey will come out stronger and better each day.
oh i also particularly liked paige miles walk away.
go lacey!
12:32 AM