Courage is...,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Everytime I stand up you try to beat me down again.
Sometimes I feel like running but I'm not quite sure where to go.
But courage is...
not how many times you've been knocked down
It's how many times you get back up
It's how many times you get back up
(i have a feeling this will be her next hit song)
Uplifting mid tempo by orianthi who happens to be or rather was micheal jackson's lead guitar player currently on tour with glambert. Tis a song I need but it's not quite enough for me.
Courage is when you're afraid,
But you keep on moving anyway
But you keep on moving anyway
11:02 PM
Fight for this Love,
Monday, June 28, 2010
my fav fav song at the moment. heard this same place somewhere, i always hear nice songs there from the radio. couldn't figure out the song until like 30 minutes of googling. ahhh the satisfaction.
Anyting that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
Need I say more.
11:15 PM
I can call you a million ugly names. But for every other name I call you, I'm probably one of them too.,
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friends to me are as important as they come. To be fair, I value some more than others. But don't we all do?
Just came back from "class gathering" with the usual suspects. These are friends I think will stay with me for the rest of my life. I shouldn't be so quick to judge though. Read below.
Amidst all the miscoms and dirty words thrown, I concede. But, I just, cannot for the life of me understand, how one small matter like deciding on what show to catch can BLOW UP to such EPIC proportions.
I just wanna say, for someone whom I've known for 8 years, close to 9- For someone I'd un-hesitantly unwaveringly pour my soul and share my darkest secrets with- someone I regard readily as one of my few confidantes in this world. Our friendship fractures over something as irrelevant and inconsequential as this.
I've tried my best, humbled and apologized for something I would not normally admit as my wholly my fault.
If that is still not enough. I just don't know what to do.
edit: omg i realized its like 6 close to 7 not 8 or 9 i actl thot sec sch years amounted to 6. i must be getting on my years. but these are like just numbers that are bound to increase to infinity and beyond and everything is fine.
11:27 PM
the crazy things i'd do for you,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Good enough baby by Krissy and Ericka
It's another friday afternoon in june
And I cant stand the text messages
You've said a few
What's been going on today
why have you been acting this way
Keep pushing me away
What do I have to do
To get to you
What do I have to say
This is going down the drain
And what do you have to hear
That I have been upset all year
Coz nothing I do is ever...
Good enough for you
Good enough baby
Another day another attitude
Its just so rude
and the stat is just killing me
I hate this feud
Whats been going on here
I just can't help but shed a tear
Coz baby can't you hear
Oh.. what do I have to do just to get to you....
a group of girls i really like. totally enjoy their music. and the little sister is pretty cute too. heehee.
12:17 AM
Take a Bow,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
heard this the same place somewhere. and now the song is perma stuck in my head.
"and the... award for... the best liar... goes to you!"
"for making me believe... that you... can be faithful to me..."
my most fav line(s). both melodiously and lyrically.
there's like rihanna's version, neyo's version and even taylor swift version but i totally love glee's version man.
That's it im gonna be a gleek soon.
11:50 PM
Look at the time now.,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Look at the time now!
This song is stuck in my head ever since I heard it somewhere today. (not the first time i heard it though)
I love her trashy music. xD
heard this the same place somewhere xD
on another note. huge upset by german sausages. ZZZ
11:11 PM
It's a little bit early,
Monday, June 14, 2010
Is deprived again.
It's a little bit early for christmas but I just came across this awesome xmas special imma gonna post it here so I can look back fondly at it in years to come lololol.
It's really really clever like how they manage to make rnadom silly (sometimes vulgar) xmas songs that really do sound xmassy and all.
Here are my my absolute fave (others favs include garrison's song but its quite erm... anti and all ahahha and the santa and jesus deut.) if you want to know where to find the rest ask me.
Cos youtube doesnt allow them to upload original images its maybe less funny but certainly not less enjoyable.
This song is really clever cos there's an actual jewish song for this and it's called I have a Dreidel and they actually modified it to add many overlaps with the same melody
I love the part where kyle's dad comes out and sing "COURTNEY COX YOU'RE SO HOT! I LOVE YOU"
Totally epic man.
And of course cartman's man of the show again.
11:12 PM
By the way I tried to say I'd be there waiting for...,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Not my usual type of song. As in the slow parts the melody is nice but the random rock chanting part is not very much to my liking ahaha. Still I like this song inexplicably I dunno why.
And everytime someone decides not to socialize I get deprived. haha.
By the way I tried to say
Id be there... waiting for
I just watched this like 5 or 6 times cos I rewatch everytime a family member comes near and cajole them to watch with me xD
At the risk of sounding like a horny pervert is it just me or does my FAVOURITE EMMA WATSON look totally =o in 0.33. I shall stake my claim here first before the whole emma watson craze starts again. Im her fan first, you saw this first. On this site.
Part 1 coming to you 19 Nov 2010. Watching this makes me wanna re-read and re-live the series again. Imma gonna get lego harry potter years 1-4 heheheh.
11:03 PM
The frequent posts means im in turbulent times.,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
Ultimate wrist slashing emo song. It's not a new song or anything but it just felt apt for my mood today.
I shall never wish for a good week on a blog ever again. I had a feeling that wishing would do the opposite. And it did. It's only been 2 days in and i can tell it did.
9:13 PM
Don't Waste the Pretty,
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Song of the Day: to Mother
Thanks to sid, im addicted to YUI again. Imma so gonna go to her albums and explore more of it when I have greater mastery of jap.
Man, YUI is so darn cool.
Orianthi is another cool girl.
Other songs of the moment include: Shut Up and Kiss Me - Orianthi as well as Don't Waste the Pretty Ft Orianthi - Allison Ishreta (is that how you spell?)
Yay. Great week ahead i hope!
11:09 PM
Kerbs and Corners,
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I droppped my less-than-a-month-old new earphones and lost them somewhere on my way to driving today, and bumped the most number of kerbs ever and hopefully ever.
Great Day.
And I need new earphones before the week.
5:10 PM
Friday, June 4, 2010
In life and everything to do with it, timing is quintessential for any form of success. Be it asking for a favour, asking for permission, asking a very important question or even exercising.
I feel like I've learnt something important even within all this mess. (just to make this post southparkish)
You see, this afternoon while doing some stuff I was suddenly enlightened about the importance of timing. Theres this vocab that I cant remember about enlighted. O. Epiphany.
The thing I realized is very simple. In between doing stuff while waiting for the next opportunity to proceed. This particular moment is crucial. Wait too long and you lose momentum. Wait too little and you'll seem too eager and thus the situation might not have the correct pre-requisites to proceed smoothly.
It's hard to strike a balance and obtain optimal results.
Don't judge what you see below unless you know what's really happening.
If we do the unthinkable, will it make us look crazy? If you ask me I'm ready.
baby just say yes.
11:11 PM
Music of the Day,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Southpark music cracks me up most of the time. But this one takes the cake cos its ridiculous and somehow reminds me of econs what with harbucks and corporate giants taking over small-time businesses with sidestory of underpants stealing gnomes.
Underpants Gnomes who apparently steal underpants for profits. omg they are damn cute lah.
And this is the imba business plan. Ahhah damn cute please.
10:31 PM
Something More,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
King of emo-ness Secondhand Serenade latest single from his upcoming album which I can bet every penny would be filled to the brim choking with emo songs from start to end.
Been stuck on Shana season 2, near some arc i consider as crappy fillers cos theres like no plot development, culminating in random pool cleaning, mugging sessions and themepark visits.
There, Margery Daw said something that's painfully true. Love is like a mirror that shows the bad side of you. Especially when it's unrequited, you get jealous, immature, impatient, angry and rash. And it's okay cos that only shows how much you care.
I agree only to a certain extent though. It's more like a magnifying-glass-prisim thingy that splits your personality into their polar sides. Amplifying the doubtful jealous opposite but at the sametime reinforcing your good-natured faith and hope.
Ah wells. Great tuesday. Hope for a better tomorrow. Breathe in breathe out
11:04 PM